Acronym | Definition |
NOI | Net Operating Income |
NOI | Notice of Intent |
NOI | Nation of Islam |
NOI | Notice of Inquiry |
NOI | Notice of Interest |
NOI | Neuro Orthopaedic Institute |
NOI | New Organizing Institute |
NOI | Notice of Inspection (checked baggage) |
NOI | No Offense Intended |
NOI | No Other Information |
NOI | National Oilwell, Inc. (est. 1841; various locations) |
NOI | Nature of Illness |
NOI | National Orchestral Institute (College Park, MD) |
NOI | Notice of Infringement (copyright/trademark) |
NOI | National Olympiad in Informatics |
NOI | Non-Operational Intelligence (US Navy) |
NOI | Not Otherwise Indicated |
NOI | National Optics Institute |
NOI | Notizie Omosessuali Italiane (Italian) |
NOI | Not Otherwise Identified |
NOI | Notice of Injury |
NOI | Notes Object Interface (Lotus Notes development) |
NOI | Northern Optotronics Inc. (Canada) |
NOI | Number of Installments |
NOI | Node Operator Interface |
NOI | Notice of Involvement |
NOI | Nitrogen & Other Inerts |
NOI | Netherlands Oost-Indië |