Acronym | Definition |
NVRC | Northern Virginia Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons |
NVRC | Northern Virginia Regional Commission |
NVRC | National Veterinary Research Centre |
NVRC | Nittany Valley Running Club |
NVRC | North Vancouver Recreation Commission |
NVRC | Northern Virginia Rowing Club |
NVRC | Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community |
NVRC | National Variety Release Committee |
NVRC | National Vocational Rehabilitation Center |
NVRC | Nationale Vlaamse Reuzen Club |
NVRC | Non-Resident Violator Compact |
NVRC | NASA Virtual Research Center |
NVRC | National Victims Resource Center |
NVRC | Napa Valley Railroad Company |
NVRC | Napa Valley RC Club |
NVRC | Nashville Vintage Radio Club |
NVRC | Nevada Recycling Coalition |
NVRC | North Valley Running Club |
NVRC | National Religious Vocation Conference |
NVRC | Nova Vida Recovery Centre (Algarve, Portugal) |
NVRC | New Venture Research Corporation (Smyrna, GA) |