Acronym | Definition |
OAP | Old Age Pensioner (chiefly UK) |
OAP | On-Air Personality |
OAP | Open Architecture Program |
OAP | Osps Administrative Processor |
OAP | Outdoor Access Point |
OAP | Outside Awareness Panel |
OAP | One Act Play |
OAP | Old Age Pension |
OAP | Osaka Amenity Park (Osaka, Japan) |
OAP | Older Adults Program (various locations) |
OAP | On Air Presenter (broadcasting) |
OAP | Omnibus Autism Proceeding (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) |
OAP | Office of Alien Property |
OAP | Organic Action Plan (EU) |
OAP | Open Access Plan (managed care) |
OAP | Oral Anti-Platelet (therapy) |
OAP | Opportunities Abroad Program (California) |
OAP | Offermann Architektur & Projekte (German: Offermann Architecture & Projects) |
OAP | Off-Axis Parabola (geometry) |
OAP | On Air Personnel |
OAP | Ownership Assistance Program (home ownership; various locations) |
OAP | On Air Promotion (broadcasting) |
OAP | Ontario Automobile Policy |
OAP | Old Army Platoon (gaming clan) |
OAP | Old Ass Person |
OAP | Orbiting Astronomical Observatory |
OAP | One Arts Plaza (Dallas, TX) |
OAP | Old Age Partner |
OAP | One-Step Approval Procedure |
OAP | Over-the-Air Programming (computing) |
OAP | l'Oreal Paris |
OAP | Observe, Anticipate and Plan (driving safety) |
OAP | Open Air Pub (Engineering Undergraduate Society; McGill University; Canada) |
OAP | Old Age Players (gaming group) |
OAP | Ontario Association of Pathologists |
OAP | Ocean Assessment Program (US NOAA) |
OAP | Observation Amphibian Plane (US Coast Guard) |
OAP | Offset Aimpoint |
OAP | Old and Putrid |
OAP | Orthogonal Arrays of Particles |
OAP | One Arm Pull-up |
OAP | Occupational Aptitude Patterns |
OAP | Old Age Person |
OAP | Organizational Assessment Package |
OAP | Oceanic Automation Program |
OAP | Old Age Playstationer |
OAP | Oficina de Atención Permanente (Guatemala) |
OAP | Operations Approval Panel |
OAP | Orbit Average Power (spacecraft electric power systems) |
OAP | Ordered Access Pairs |
OAP | Ove Arup & Partners Ltd |
OAP | Outline Acquisition Plan |
OAP | Offshore Assembly Provisions |
OAP | Over Age Premium (logistics/shipping) |
OAP | Optically Activated Pigmented (coating systems) |
OAP | Old American Punk |
OAP | On Account Payment |
OAP | Out at Play |