Acronym | Definition |
NIT | National Invitation Tournament |
NIT | National Institute of Technology |
NIT | Nations in Transit (survey; Freedom House; Washington, DC) |
NIT | Notice Inviting Tender |
NIT | Número de Identificación Tributaria (Colombian business tax number) |
NIT | Nippon Institute of Technology (Japan) |
NIT | Network Information Table |
NIT | Network Investigative Technique (hacking tool; US FBI) |
NIT | National Indigenous Times (est. 2002; Australia) |
NIT | Network Integration Testing |
NIT | Negative Income Tax |
NIT | National Investment Trust (Pakistan) |
NIT | New in Town |
NIT | Not In Time |
NIT | Northern Institute of Technology (Hamburg-Harburg, Germany) |
NIT | Norfolk International Terminals |
NIT | Network Interface Tap |
NIT | Net Integration Technologies |
NIT | Near Infrared Transmission |
NIT | Not in Therapy |
NIT | Nortel Institute for Telecommunications |
NIT | Not Invited Tournament |
NIT | Non Instructional Time |
NIT | Non International Traveler |
NIT | Near-Identity Transformation |
NIT | Northwest Iowa Transportation, Inc. |
NIT | Notifications for International Travel |
NIT | National Intelligence Test |
NIT | Network Integration Test |
NIT | Nahzati Islomi Tojikiston (Islamic Renaissance of Tajikistan) |
NIT | NORLUN Instability Trough (weather; named after scientists Nogueira and Lundstedt) |