NBMNational Building Museum
NBMNew Business Model (various organizations)
NBMNeighborhood Based Mobility
NBMNetwork and Bandwidth Manager
NBMNodal Bandwidth Manager
NBMNotebook Manager
NBMNovell Border Manager
NBMNarrowband Multiplexer
NBMNomenclatura Brasileira de Mercadorias (Portuguese: Brazilian Nomenclature of Goods; Decree Law Number 1154; Brazil)
NBMNational Bank of Moldova
NBMNantier, Beall, Minoustchine (publisher)
NBMNil by Mouth
NBMNational Bank of Malawi
NBMNew Buffalo (Amtrak station code; New Buffalo, MI)
NBMNew Beginnings Movement
NBMNothing By Mouth
NBMNorwegian Black Metal (music genre)
NBMNever Been Married
NBMNeeds Beyond Medicine (Salt Lake City, UT)
NBMNorthern Boreal Mountains (Canada)
NBMNothing But Microsoft
NBMNeo-Black Movement
NBMNew Believer's Ministry (Africa)
NBMNeo-Black Movement of Africa
NBMNederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars (Dutch: Netherlands Bureau of Motor Insurers)
NBMNew Beginnings Missions (Gulfport, MS)
NBMNot Before Midnight (Architecture, Design & Science)
NBMNarrowband Manager
NBMNew Business Memorandum
NBMNon-Breeding Migrant (ornithology)