Acronym | Definition |
ABL | Academia Brasileira de Letras (Brazilian Academy of Letters) |
ABL | Airborne Laser |
ABL | Asset Based Lending |
ABL | American Basketball League (defunct) |
ABL | Ablative (grammatical case) |
ABL | A Beautiful Life (Lambertville, NJ) |
ABL | Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
ABL | Advanced Business Language (software) |
ABL | Accidental Bowel Leakage |
ABL | Acuity Brands Lighting (various locations) |
ABL | Advanced Blending |
ABL | Automatic Brightness Limits |
ABL | Altavista Back Links |
ABL | Adult Baseball League (various locations) |
ABL | Action Based Learning (various organizations) |
ABL | Agrani Bank Limited (Bangladesh) |
ABL | Adult Basic Literacy (English as a Second Language) |
ABL | Abelson Murine Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog |
ABL | Allied Bank Limited (Pakistan) |
ABL | Abetalipoproteinemia |
ABL | Alston & Bird LLP (law firm; various locations) |
ABL | A Bug's Life (movie) |
ABL | Above the Law |
ABL | Abnormal Blood Lipids |
ABL | Above Baseline |
ABL | Allocated Baseline |
ABL | Actual Breaking Load (wires) |
ABL | Ambler, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
ABL | Automatic Brightness Limiter |
ABL | Armored Box Launcher |
ABL | Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory |
ABL | A Behavior Language (reactive planning language) |
ABL | Ammunition Basic Load |
ABL | Accra Brewery Ltd. (Ghana) |
ABL | American Boat Listing |
ABL | Advanced Bimetallic Liner (RC airplane construction) |
ABL | ATLAS Basic Language |
ABL | Always Be Looting (gaming) |
ABL | Armée Belge Belgisch Léger |
ABL | Aircraft Based Laser |
ABL | Allowable Buckling Load (transportation) |
ABL | 2-Acetylbutyrolactone (chemical) |
ABL | Advanced Baseline |
ABL | Assured Billing Lookup (Accudata) |
ABL | Administrative Boundary Lines |
ABL | Above Base Line |
ABL | Additional Bypass Linking |
ABL | Address Block Locator |
ABL | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerliche Landwirtschaft eV (Germany) |
ABL | Atmospheric Burst Locator |
ABL | Active Badge Location |
ABL | Acquisition before Launch (US DoD) |
ABL | Army Biological Labs (Frederick, MD) |
ABL | Automatic Bootstrap Loader |
ABL | As-Built List |
ABL | Area Business Listing |
ABL | Acquire Before Launch |
ABL | Automated Base Locator System |
ABL | Army Battle Laboratory |
ABL | Amaterska Bowling Liga (Amateur Bowling League) |
ABL | Axiobuccolingual |
ABL | Allocated/Above Baseline |
ABL | A Blockdiagram Language |
ABL | Atomic Boundary Layer |
ABL | Accomplishment-Based Learning (Northern Vantage, Inc.) |
ABL | Aluminum Barrier Layer (tube filling) |
ABL | Administration de Biens Laborde (French property management company) |
ABL | Automatic Brightness Current Limiter |
ABL | Association Bibliothèque Lorousaine (French: Lorousaine Library Association) |
ABL | Assistance Bureautique Logistique (French computer company) |