Acronym | Definition |
NSI | No Smoking Indoors |
NSI | Network Solutions, Inc. |
NSI | National Security Information |
NSI | Nutraceutical Sciences Institute (vitamin producer) |
NSI | National Standards Institute |
NSI | Natural Science Industries (Farmingdale, NY) |
NSI | North-South Institute (Canadian Economic Think Tank) |
NSI | Nuovi Stati Indipendenti (Italian: New Independent States) |
NSI | Name Service Interface |
NSI | Network Store Interface |
NSI | Norton System Information |
NSI | Non Sna Interconnection |
NSI | Network Solutions Inc. |
NSI | Network Store Information |
NSI | Network System Interface |
NSI | Network Side Interface |
NSI | North Star Imaging (Rogers, MN) |
NSI | National System of Innovation (various nations) |
NSI | NASA Science Internet |
NSI | Naviguer Sur Internet (French: Surfing the Internet) |
NSI | National Systems Integrator (Microsoft) |
NSI | Nova Slovenija (New Slovenia) |
NSI | Needlestick and Sharps Injuries |
NSI | National Security Intelligence (fictional) |
NSI | National Security Institute |
NSI | Nielsen Station Index |
NSI | Nutrition Screening Initiative |
NSI | Nuclear Surety Inspection |
NSI | National Statistical Institutes |
NSI | Nusantara Secom Infotech (Indonesia and Japan) |
NSI | Needle Stick Injury |
NSI | National Savings and Investments (UK) |
NSI | Network Solutions International (various locations) |
NSI | Not Seriously Ill |
NSI | Negative Social Impact (HIV/AIDS) |
NSI | National Student Index (New Zealand) |
NSI | Negative Self Image (psychology) |
NSI | Nomura Securities International |
NSI | Nu Skin International (Provo, UT) |
NSI | Never Stop Improving |
NSI | Naval Science Instructor |
NSI | National Service Life Insurance (US Navy) |
NSI | Non-Standard Installation (various companies) |
NSI | National Satellite Initiative (Canada) |
NSI | NASA Standard Initiator |
NSI | National Space Institute |
NSI | Nest Seekers International (real estate; various locations) |
NSI | Nutrition Santé International (French: Nutrition Health International) |
NSI | Network Side Interface (DOCSIS) |
NSI | Naval Station Ingleside (Ingleside, TX) |
NSI | Network Software Inspector (Secunia) |
NSI | Network Service Interface |
NSI | Non-Senate Instructional (various schools) |
NSI | National Strategies, Inc. (Washington, DC) |
NSI | Neurological Society of India |
NSI | Neighborhood Safety Initiative (various organizations) |
NSI | Nagios Status Information (computing) |
NSI | Not Signed In |
NSI | Yaounde, Cameroon - Nsimalen (Airport Code) |
NSI | Non-Standard Inference |
NSI | National Shipbuilding Initiative |
NSI | Net Satisfaction Index |
NSI | Next Sequential Instruction |
NSI | Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions |
NSI | Nuclear Safety Institute (est. 1990; Russia) |
NSI | Neurosurgery Institute (Russian Federation) |
NSI | Nonstandard Item |
NSI | Not Sufficient Information |
NSI | Nordisk Systemintegrering AB (Stockholm, Sweden) |
NSI | Nuclear Safety Inspection |
NSI | National Science Institute |
NSI | Name Server Interface |
NSI | New South Interactive |
NSI | Non-Serious Injury |
NSI | Negotiation Systems International |
NSI | Nonstocked Item |
NSI | Name Space Interface (Bellcore) |
NSI | Non Service Independent |
NSI | Newsprint South, Inc. |
NSI | No Suicidal Ideations (medicine) |
NSI | Northern Saline, Inc. |
NSI | Net Sales Income (finance) |
NSI | New Suspense Item |
NSI | Negative Social Imprinting (psychology) |
NSI | Numeric System Identifier |
NSI | Non-Specific Interferant (test result contaminants) |