Acronym | Definition |
MPO | Metropolitan Planning Organization |
MPO | Myeloperoxidase |
MPO | Metal Gear Solid (video game) |
MPO | Ministere des Peches et des Oceans (French: Department of Fisheries and Oceans; Canada) |
MPO | Medical Product Outsourcing (trade magazine) |
MPO | Metro Planning Organization (various locations) |
MPO | Music Performance Output |
MPO | Manufacturer'S Point of Origin |
MPO | Multipath Push on |
MPO | Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra |
MPO | Mercury Planetary Orbiter |
MPO | Memory Placement Optimization (Sun Microsystems) |
MPO | Military Post Office |
MPO | Maintenance of Public Order |
MPO | Master Police Officer |
MPO | Multiple Payment Option (gifts) |
MPO | Mobile Phone Organizer |
MPO | My Personal Opinion |
MPO | Master Purchase Order (sales record) |
MPO | Ministerstvo Prumyslu A Obchodu (Ministry of Industry and Trade; Czech Republic) |
MPO | Multi-Fiber Push On (connector) |
MPO | Manufactured, Processed or Otherwise Used (Environment Canada) |
MPO | Music Power Output |
MPO | Manufacturing Process Optimization |
MPO | Mobile Post Office |
MPO | Mission Payload Operator |
MPO | Monterey Park Optometry (Monterey Park, CA) |
MPO | Manila Philharmonic Orchestra (Philippines) |
MPO | Manual Pitch Override |
MPO | Mail Processing Operation (USPS) |
MPO | Military Protection Order (restraining order) |
MPO | Minnesota Philharmonic Orchestra (Minneapolis , MN) |
MPO | Multipath Optical (fiber optic communications) |
MPO | Military Pay Order |
MPO | Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania (Airport Code) |
MPO | Main Phase Onset |
MPO | Manufacturing Production Order |
MPO | Master of the Psychology of Organization |
MPO | Measurable Performance Object |
MPO | Metadata Protocol Officer |
MPO | Major Project Office |
MPO | Minefield Performance Objective |
MPO | Mission Planning Office (NASA) |
MPO | Market Place Operator |
MPO | Michael Peters Organisation (fansite) |