Acronym | Definition |
PPD | Prepaid |
PPD | Post Paid |
PPD | Postpartum Depression |
PPD | Purified Protein Derivative (skin test agent; tuberculosis) |
PPD | Pessoas Portadoras de Deficiencia (Portuguese: Persons with Disabilities; various locations) |
PPD | Postscript Printer Description |
PPD | Partido Popular Democrático (Popular Democratic Party, political party, Puerto Rico) |
PPD | Postponed (sporting events) |
PPD | Partnership for People with Disabilities (formerly Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities; Virginia Commonwealth University) |
PPD | Partido por la Democracia (Party for Democracy, Chile) |
PPD | Panasonic Plasma Display (Japan) |
PPD | Philadelphia Police Department |
PPD | Pay Per Download (sales) |
PPD | Presidential Policy Directive |
PPD | Permanent Partial Disability (insurance) |
PPD | Pagan Pride Day |
PPD | Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. |
PPD | Post-Potter Depression |
PPD | Points per Day |
PPD | Paranoid Personality Disorder |
PPD | Paid per Download (online advertising) |
PPD | Practice and Personal Development |
PPD | Process and Product Design |
PPD | Psychopathic Personality Disorder |
PPD | Partners in Population and Development (various nations) |
PPD | Public Power District (Nebraska) |
PPD | Pseudo Processor Device |
PPD | Passenger Presence Detection |
PPD | Piezo Pumpe Duse |
PPD | Protection of Personal Data |
PPD | Print Preview Dialog |
PPD | Plasma Panel Display |
PPD | Perl Package Distribution |
PPD | Packs Per Day (cigarettes) |
PPD | Partial Packet Discard |
PPD | Passenger Presence Detection (sensor) |
PPD | Per Patient Day |
PPD | Party for Democratic Prosperity (The Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia) |
PPD | PostScript Printer Definition |
PPD | Phoenix Police Department (Phoenix, Arizona, USA) |
PPD | Personal & Professional Development |
PPD | Post Party Depression |
PPD | Personal Protection Device |
PPD | Pre Prosecution Diversion (criminal justice) |
PPD | Partito Popolare Democratico (Italian: People's Democratic Party; Switzerland) |
PPD | Pounds Per Day (unit of measure for feeding chlorine gas with a rotameter tube) |
PPD | Published Price to Dealer |
PPD | Portland Police Department |
PPD | Pour Point Depressant |
PPD | Partia e Prosperitetit Demokratik (democratic prosperity party; Kosovo) |
PPD | Pharmaceutical Products Division |
PPD | Process Piping Designer |
PPD | Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (polling) |
PPD | Practitioner Professional Development (UK) |
PPD | Professional Personal Development (various organizations) |
PPD | Paraphenylene-Diamine (allergen) |
PPD | Personal Property Division (JPPSO) |
PPD | Post-Partum Doula (childbirth) |
PPD | Presidential Protective Division (United States Secret Service) |
PPD | Points Per Dart |
PPD | Plano Police Department (Plano, Texas) |
PPD | Physician Practice Documentation (software) |
PPD | Payment Processing Direct (credit card processing) |
PPD | Progressive Pseudorheumatoid Dysplasia |
PPD | Proposal Package Description |
PPD | Personal Profile Data (health records) |
PPD | Prepare to Die (gaming) |
PPD | Plant Population Density |
PPD | Polish Pentax Days (photography) |
PPD | Presidential Program Directive (US DHHS) |
PPD | Plasmatic Pulsar Device (Star Trek) |
PPD | Pharmacy Practice Division (University of Wisconsin) |
PPD | Presidential Protective Detail |
PPD | Public Procurement Directives (European Commission) |
PPD | Program for People with Disabilities |
PPD | Prediction Probe Detector |
PPD | Project Proposal Document |
PPD | Proyecto de Pequeñas Donaciones (Spanish: Small Project Grants; Mexico) |
PPD | Project-Peculiar Document |
PPD | Patent Policy Directorate (Canada) |
PPD | Packet Pair Dispersion |
PPD | Poughkeepsie Police Department (New York) |
PPD | Product Planning & Development |
PPD | Production Program Definition (document) |
PPD | Physical Page of Data |
PPD | Propulsion and Powertrain Division |
PPD | Program Package Document |
PPD | Plans and Programs Detachment |
PPD | Project Plan Document |
PPD | Pulse Position Data |
PPD | Parts Per Deciliter |
PPD | Point Positioning Data |
PPD | Postal Presort Defaults |
PPD | prepubertal diabetic |
PPD | Program/Project Planning Document |
PPD | Primary Power Distribution |
PPD | Primary Policy Database (Safenet) |
PPD | Proposed Plan Distribution |
PPD | Professional Product Device |
PPD | Principals, Partners and Directors (consulting and auditing firms) |
PPD | Petroleum Production Division |