NGSNational Geographic Society
NGSNational Geodetic Survey
NGSNational Genealogical Society
NGSNormal Goat Serum
NGSNext Generation Sequencing (genomics)
NGSNot in Good Standing
NGSNational Government Services (various organizations)
NGSNice Guy Syndrome
NGSNext Generation Systems
NGSNational Grid Service
NGSNinja Gaiden Sigma (gaming)
NGSNational Garden Scheme
NGSNext Generation Security (software)
NGSNortel Government Solutions (software; Fairfax, VA)
NGSNearby Galaxy Survey (US NASA)
NGSNext Generation Services
NGSNational Graduate School
NGSNational General Secretary (various locations)
NGSNational Grid System (various locations)
NGSNaval Gunfire Support
NGSNaval General Staff (Japan)
NGSNatural Guide Star
NGSNitrogen Generating System (Boeing)
NGSNon-Government Standards
NGSNext Generation Systems (London, UK)
NGSNational Graduates Survey (Canada)
NGSNew Generation Software, Inc.
NGSNew Generation Society (various locations)
NGSNational Gerbil Society (UK)
NGSNagasaki, Japan - Nagasaki (Airport Code)
NGSNetwork Gateway Server
NGSNext Generation Switch
NGSNitor Global Solutions (India)
NGSNorthamptonshire Grammar School (UK)
NGSN Gauge Society (model railway society)
NGSNon-Governmental School
NGSNational Geospatial Intelligence School
NGSNueva Generadora del Sur (Spanish)
NGSNext Generation Seamless (hotel reservation systems technology of data sharing across the web)
NGSNuclear Generation Station (Canada)
NGSNational Gang Strategy
NGSNon-Gender Specific
NGSNational Geological Society
NGSNavigation Guidance System
NGSNoble Gas Structure
NGSNewlands Girls' School (UK)
NGSNotice Generation System
NGSNext Generation Star Tester (Ford)