OCFOral Cancer Foundation
OCFOperating Cash Flow
OCFOrthodox Christian Fellowship (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas)
OCFOverwhelming Colorfast (band)
OCFOsteopathy in the Cranial Field
OCFOpenCard Framework
OCFOpen Container Format (computer format)
OCFOld Car Festival (various locations)
OCFOff Center Fed (radio antenna)
OCFOpen Container Format
OCFObject Craft File
OCFObject Components Framework
OCFOnboard Computational Facility
OCFon Chip Flash
OCFOpen Card Framework
OCFOperations Control Facility
OCFOfficers' Christian Fellowship
OCFObsessive-Compulsive Foundation
OCFOff Camera Flash
OCFOpen Computing Facility
OCFOur Children First (Bronz, NY)
OCFOpen Cluster Framework (computer clustering standards)
OCFOther Customer Funds
OCFOpen Channel Foundation (software)
OCFOntario Common Front (Canada)
OCFOpel Club Finland
OCFOldest Cell First
OCFOpen Catalog Format
OCFOut-of-Control Flight (aviation)
OCFOperational Control Field
OCFOperational Check Flight
OCFOperator Configuration File
OCFOnline Camping Friends
OCFOverall Correlation Factor
OCFOngoing Charges and Fees (investments)
OCFOn-Cycle Failure
OCFObject Collaboration Framework
OCFOlds Club of Florida (automobile club)
OCFOrdnance Cloth Factory (Avadi, Chennai, India)
OCFOmanba Community Foundation (Ghana)