Acronym | Definition |
OCF | Oral Cancer Foundation |
OCF | Operating Cash Flow |
OCF | Orthodox Christian Fellowship (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas) |
OCF | Overwhelming Colorfast (band) |
OCF | Osteopathy in the Cranial Field |
OCF | OpenCard Framework |
OCF | Open Container Format (computer format) |
OCF | Old Car Festival (various locations) |
OCF | Off Center Fed (radio antenna) |
OCF | Open Container Format |
OCF | Object Craft File |
OCF | Object Components Framework |
OCF | Onboard Computational Facility |
OCF | on Chip Flash |
OCF | Open Card Framework |
OCF | Operations Control Facility |
OCF | Officers' Christian Fellowship |
OCF | Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation |
OCF | Off Camera Flash |
OCF | Open Computing Facility |
OCF | Our Children First (Bronz, NY) |
OCF | Open Cluster Framework (computer clustering standards) |
OCF | Other Customer Funds |
OCF | Open Channel Foundation (software) |
OCF | Ontario Common Front (Canada) |
OCF | Opel Club Finland |
OCF | Oldest Cell First |
OCF | Open Catalog Format |
OCF | Out-of-Control Flight (aviation) |
OCF | Operational Control Field |
OCF | Operational Check Flight |
OCF | Operator Configuration File |
OCF | Online Camping Friends |
OCF | Overall Correlation Factor |
OCF | Ongoing Charges and Fees (investments) |
OCF | On-Cycle Failure |
OCF | Object Collaboration Framework |
OCF | Olds Club of Florida (automobile club) |
OCF | Ordnance Cloth Factory (Avadi, Chennai, India) |
OCF | Omanba Community Foundation (Ghana) |