Acronym | Definition |
NPD | Narcissistic Personality Disorder |
NPD | New Product Development |
NPD | Nouveau Parti Démocratique (Canada) |
NPD | Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party of Germany) |
NPD | Norwegian Petroleum Directorate |
NPD | Niemann-Pick Disease |
NPD | Nippon Parking Development Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
NPD | Novell Printer Definition |
NPD | Negative Plit Duplication |
NPD | NASA Policy Directive |
NPD | Nuclear Protein Database (UK) |
NPD | Non-Private Dwelling (Australia and New Zealand) |
NPD | National Preparedness Directorate (US FEMA) |
NPD | No Performance Determined |
NPD | Nitrogen Phosphorous Detector |
NPD | Natural Product Discovery |
NPD | National Pollution Discharge Elimination System |
NPD | National Purchase Diary |
NPD | Neutral Particle Detector |
NPD | National Pig Development |
NPD | Network Probe Daemon |
NPD | Needlestick-Prevention Device (healthcare) |
NPD | Newcastle Police Department (various locations) |
NPD | Nuclear Power Development |
NPD | Noise-Power-Distance (FAA Integrated Noise Model) |
NPD | Nashville Police Department |
NPD | North Polar Disorder (Christmas) |
NPD | Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (Fund) |
NPD | Nominal Percent Defective (US NASA) |
NPD | New Product Dynamics |
NPD | Names and Presence Database |
NPD | No Pay Due (US Army Finance) |
NPD | National Police Department |
NPD | NASA Policy Documents |
NPD | NASA Program Directive |
NPD | Normal Photoelectron Diffraction |
NPD | Neutron Powder Diffractometer |
NPD | Names and Presence Directory (instant message systems) |
NPD | No Perfumes or Dyes |
NPD | Navy Procurement Directive |
NPD | Nominal Pipe Diameter (structural engineering) |
NPD | Null Packet Deletion (DVB standard) |
NPD | Number Plan Digit |
NPD | Normal Place of Duty |
NPD | Niskayuna Police Department |
NPD | Northville Police Department |
NPD | Name & Presence Detection (instant messenging networks) |
NPD | Next Payment Due |
NPD | Non-Payment Disconnect (telecommunications industry) |
NPD | Nutley Police Department (Nutley, NJ) |