Acronym | Definition |
OAC | On Approved Credit |
OAC | Ohio Athletic Conference |
OAC | Ohio Administrative Code |
OAC | Online Archive of California (California Digital Library) |
OAC | Oral Anticoagulant |
OAC | Ohio Arts Council (Columbus, OH) |
OAC | Oregon Agricultural College (est. 1907) |
OAC | Ontario Arts Council (Canada) |
OAC | Oklahoma Administrative Code |
OAC | Oversight and Accountability Commission (California) |
OAC | Odyssey Access Client (software) |
OAC | Oakland Airport Connector (transportation; Oakland, CA) |
OAC | Ontario Agricultural College |
OAC | Outdoor Activity Center (various locations) |
OAC | Osservatorio Astronomico Di Capodimonte (Italian: Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte; Naples, Italy) |
OAC | Oregon Arts Commission (est. 1967) |
OAC | Occupational Advisory Committee (various locations) |
OAC | Ontario Autism Coalition (Ontario, Canada) |
OAC | Open Access College (various locations) |
OAC | Ordo Ab Chao (Latin: Order Out of Chaos) |
OAC | Ontario Academic Credit |
OAC | Open Air Campaigners (ministry) |
OAC | Ontario Aerospace Council |
OAC | Officer Advanced Course |
OAC | Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission |
OAC | Ontario Academic Credits |
OAC | Office of Antiboycott Compliance |
OAC | Ottawa Athletic Club (Canada) |
OAC | Olympic Aquatic Center (Washington) |
OAC | Open Agility Certificate (Dog Agility Title) |
OAC | Office of the Administrator for the Courts (Washington state agency) |
OAC | On A Call |
OAC | Objectivist Academic Center |
OAC | Orange Art Center (Pepper Pike, OH) |
OAC | Optical Active Cable |
OAC | Olympic Athletic Club (Seattle, Washington) |
OAC | One Arm Chin-Up |
OAC | Ohio Amish Country (Northeast Ohio) |
OAC | Office Advisory Council (various organizations) |
OAC | Office of the Administrator of the Courts (Washington state) |
OAC | Oceanic Area Control Center |
OAC | Operational Acceptance Criteria |
OAC | (Chiropractic) Oversight Advisory Committee (US DoD) |
OAC | Owner Architect Contractor |
OAC | Operation Argument Complexity |
OAC | Open Auto Classifieds (website) |
OAC | Orthodox Anglican Church |
OAC | Operand Address Calculation |
OAC | Operating Agency Code |
OAC | Ogihara America Corporation (metal stamping plant) |
OAC | Oral Aspirin Challenge |
OAC | Outdoor Advertising Council |
OAC | Office Allegation Coordinator |
OAC | Operator Assistance Centre (BT) |
OAC | Objective Assignment Chart (US Navy PPP based curriculum development) |
OAC | Ohio Athletic Club (sweep rowing and sculling) |
OAC | Original Airworthiness Certification |
OAC | Office of Arms Control |
OAC | Obstetric Assessment Clinic |
OAC | Odd Autocorrelation |
OAC | Official Acceptance of Construction |
OAC | Orenda Aerospace Corporation (Canada) |
OAC | Operations and Analysis Center |
OAC | Organizational Activity Code |
OAC | Oman Automobile Club (Muskat, Oman) |
OAC | Optimum Approach Cruise |
OAC | United States Army Ordnance Ammunition Command (Joliet, Illinois) |
OAC | Operational Affairs Committee (Universal Postal Union) |