Acronym | Definition |
MWA | Mystery Writers of America |
MWA | Murchison Widefield Array (various schools) |
MWA | Ministry of Women's Affairs (New Zealand) |
MWA | Media Web Access |
MWA | Metropolitan Waterworks Authority |
MWA | Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC |
MWA | Ms. Wheelchair America (est. 1972) |
MWA | Modern Woodmen of America (a fraternal life insurance society) |
MWA | Montana Wilderness Association |
MWA | Mojave Water Agency (Apple Valley, CA) |
MWA | Missouri Work Assistance (program) |
MWA | Member of the Welsh Assembly (UK) |
MWA | Managing with Aloha (Hawaii) |
MWA | Management by Walking Around (business style) |
MWA | Michael Willis Architects (various locations) |
MWA | Macon Water Authority (Macon, GA) |
MWA | Malaysian Water Association |
MWA | Average Megawatt (also seen as aMW) |
MWA | Maryland Writers Association |
MWA | Minnesota Waterfowl Association |
MWA | Marion, IL, USA (Airport Code) |
MWA | Microsoft.Web.Administration |
MWA | Maine Windjammer Association |
MWA | Mobile Wireless Accessibility |
MWA | Missouri Whitewater Association |
MWA | Maintenance Work Area |
MWA | Mobile Web America |
MWA | Museum of Wisconsin Art |
MWA | Mal Warwick Associates (Berkeley, CA) |
MWA | Momentum-Wheel Assembly |
MWA | Mountain Wave Activity |
MWA | Message Waiting Allowed (telephone) |
MWA | Medical Wellness Association |
MWA | Moving Weighted Average |
MWA | Michigan Wrestling Association |
MWA | Marion, Williamson County Airport |
MWA | Morale and Welfare Activities |
MWA | Mid Water Arch (shipping, seabed buoyant support structure) |
MWA | Medicine Wheel Alliance |
MWA | Monongalia Wireless Association |
MWA | Married Women's Association |
MWA | Models without Attitude (est. 2007) |
MWA | Meteorological Watch Advisory |
MWA | Millennium Wrestling Association |
MWA | Military Working Animals |
MWA | Missouri Watershed Association |
MWA | Minnesota Wolf Alliance |
MWA | Mothers with Attitude (website) |
MWA | Maintenance Walk-Around |
MWA | Multicast Wavelength Assignment |
MWA | Management Work Authorization |
MWA | Memorandum of Working Agreement |
MWA | Manufacturing Work Authority |
MWA | Michigan Wolfdog Association |
MWA | Munitions of War Act (British) |
MWA | Midwest Aviation, Inc. |
MWA | Making Waves Academy (Richmond, CA) |
MWA | Morrisville Wrestling Alliance |
MWA | Megunticook Watershed Association (Camden, ME) |
MWA | Mobile Warehouse Application |