Acronym | Definition |
MUD | Multi-User Dungeon (gaming) |
MUD | Multi-User Dungeon |
MUD | Municipal Utility District |
MUD | Moose Utility Division |
MUD | Make Up Designory (trade school; various locations) |
MUD | Multi User Adventure |
MUD | Multi User Dimensions |
MUD | Multi User Domain |
MUD | Multi User Detection |
MUD | Multi User Dungeon |
MUD | Multi-User Dimension |
MUD | Matched Unrelated Donor (stem cell transplantation) |
MUD | Multi-User Domain |
MUD | Middle Up Down (bridge game) |
MUD | Metropolitan Utilities District |
MUD | Multiuser Detection |
MUD | Manufacturer Usage Description |
MUD | Master of Urban Design |
MUD | Multiple User Dialogue |
MUD | Master Unit Die |
MUD | Multi-User Detector (communications) |
MUD | Made Up Drama |
MUD | Mesa de Unión Democrática (Spanish: Table Democratic Union) |
MUD | Management of Uncertain Data (workshop) |
MUD | Modello unico di Dichiarazione Ambiente (Italian: Unique Environment Statement Pattern) |
MUD | Master User Domain |
MUD | Marrow Unrelated Donor |
MUD | Multiple Unit Discount |