Acronym | Definition |
AIB | Academy of International Business |
AIB | Allied Irish Bank |
AIB | Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Italian Library Association) |
AIB | Anglo Irish Bank (Ireland) |
AIB | American Institute of Baking |
AIB | Airbus |
AIB | African Investment Bank (African Union) |
AIB | Asbestos Insulating Board (material) |
AIB | Accountant in Bankruptcy (UK) |
AIB | Adjacency Information Base |
AIB | Authenticated Identity Body |
AIB | Authenticated Identity Body (networks) |
AIB | American Institute of Banking |
AIB | Add-In Board |
AIB | Australian Institute of Building |
AIB | Associate in Business (degree) |
AIB | Allied Intelligence Bureau |
AIB | Association for International Broadcasting |
AIB | America in Bloom |
AIB | Accident Investigation Board |
AIB | Alpha-Aminoisobutyric Acid |
AIB | Association of Issuing Bodies |
AIB | Arts Institute at Bournemouth (now Arts University College at Bournemouth; UK) |
AIB | Alive in Baghdad (weekly news program) |
AIB | Afghanistan International Bank (Kabul, Afghanistan) |
AIB | Ação Integralista Brasileira (Portuguese: Brazilian Integralist Action; political party) |
AIB | Australian Institute of Biology (Australia) |
AIB | Armored Infantry Battalion (US Army) |
AIB | Automobile Insurance Bureau (Massachusetts) |
AIB | AlBaraka Islamic Bank (Bahrain; est. 1984) |
AIB | Archives in Brief (Australia) |
AIB | Agence Immobilière Bourbon (French real estate agency) |
AIB | Année Internationale de la Biodiversité (French: International Year of Biodiversity; UN) |
AIB | Admiralty Interview Board |
AIB | Australian Infantry Battalion |
AIB | Associate Insurance Broker (Canada) |
AIB | Alabama Industries for the Blind |
AIB | Association for International Business (est. 1997) |
AIB | Arizona Industries for the Blind |
AIB | Auckland Infantry Battalion (Auckland, New Zealand) |
AIB | Avian Infectious Bronchitis |
AIB | Amity Institute of Biotechnology (Noida, India) |
AIB | Associazione Assaggiatori Italiani Balsamico (standards & methods for grading balsamic vinegar of Modena) |
AIB | Amalgamated Investment Bancorporation (Philippines) |
AIB | Associate of the Institute of Bankers (British) |
AIB | Angels in Bondage (band) |
AIB | Association Internationale du Barreau (French: International Bar Association) |
AIB | Alone I Break (song) |
AIB | Automatic Increase Benefit (insurance rider) |
AIB | Association des Industriels de Belgique (French: Manufacturers’ Association of Belgium) |
AIB | Army in Being |
AIB | As Inspired By |
AIB | Action Item Browser |
AIB | Assistance Informatique Brestoise (French: Brest Computer Assistance; Brest, France) |
AIB | Air Intelligence Brief |
AIB | Assistance Informatique Bureautique (French: Computer Assistance Office) |
AIB | Amsterdam Interbank |
AIB | Acquisition Interface Bus |
AIB | Agence Immobilière Boulet (French real estate agency) |
AIB | Automatic Intercept Bureau |
AIB | Alteration Installation Bulletin |
AIB | Abteilung Immobilien und Betrieb (German: department of real estates and enterprise) |