Acronym | Definition |
MWC | Mobile World Congress (GSM Association) |
MWC | Mt. Wachusett Community (Massachusetts) |
MWC | Mountain West Conference |
MWC | Mobile World Capital (exhibition) |
MWC | Married With Children |
MWC | Mahindra World City (Jaipur, India) |
MWC | Multi Way Calling |
MWC | Mirror Write Cache |
MWC | Mirror Write Consistency |
MWC | My Writers Circle |
MWC | Modulated Wideband Converter |
MWC | Mary Washington College |
MWC | Mennonite World Conference |
MWC | Municipal Waste Combustor |
MWC | Municipal Waste Combustion |
MWC | Masters World Cup (various organizations) |
MWC | Middlesex Water Company (est. 1987; Delaware and New Jersey) |
MWC | Madagascar Wildlife Conservation |
MWC | Migrant Workers Convention (UN) |
MWC | Married White Couple |
MWC | Masters World Championship |
MWC | Medium Weight Coated (paper) |
MWC | Mountain Water Company (Montana) |
MWC | Main Works Contractor (various companies) |
MWC | Modern Western Civilization |
MWC | Medical Writer Certified (American Medical Writers Association credential) |
MWC | Mechtronix World Corporation (Canada) |
MWC | Missile Warning Center |
MWC | Maximum Workplace Concentration (engineering) |
MWC | Maritime Warfare Centre |
MWC | Medium Wave Circle (European radio enthusiast club) |
MWC | Massachusetts Watershed Coalition (Leominster, MA) |
MWC | Michigan Wildlife Conservancy (Bath, MI) |
MWC | McMaster World Congress |
MWC | Medical World Communications (publishing) |
MWC | Machine Wet Cleaning (EPA) |
MWC | Murder Was the Case (Dr. Dre and Ice Cube album title) |
MWC | Multi-Way Calling |
MWC | Multi Warfare Control |
MWC | Mine Warfare Coordinator |
MWC | Melbourne Water Commission (Australia) |
MWC | Missouri Watershed Coalition |
MWC | Malware Crawler (informatics) |
MWC | Minimum Working Capital (project estimating) |
MWC | Multicast Web Caching |
MWC | Multi-Way Channel |
MWC | Modern Writers Community |
MWC | Museum of Work and Culture |
MWC | Mauritian Wildlife Club (Mauritius) |
MWC | Metrix Web Console (Cabletron) |
MWC | Meter of Water Column (Pressure Unit) |