MWDMeasurement while Drilling (oil drilling)
MWDMetropolitan Water District of Southern California
MWDMunicipal Water District
MWDMilitary Working Dog
MWDMolecular Weight Distribution
MWDMerriam Webster Dictionary (Franklin Electronics)
MWDMaximum Waiting Delay
MWDMicrosoft Windows Defender
MWDMorgan Stanley Dean Witter (stock symbol)
MWDMean Wheal Diameter (skin prick tests)
MWDMacehiter Ward-Dutton (UK)
MWDMy Wonderful Dog (various locations)
MWDMobile Wireless Device
MWDMicrowave Diathermy
MWDManufacturing, Wholesale and Distribution
MWDMinimum Working Distance (camera lenses)
MWDMessages Waiting Data
MWDMissing, Wrong & Damaged (defects in the production and shipment of computers metric)
MWDMacaw Wasting Disease
MWDMessage Waiting Denied (telephone)
MWDMinistry of Women's Development (Pakistan)
MWDMaldives Web Directory
MWDMovie Watching Dude
MWDMomentum Wheel Driver (HETE-2)
MWDMagnetostatic Wave Device
MWDMarried with Dependent
MWDMinisterstwo Wnutrennich Djel (Russian: Ministry for the Interior)
MWDModified Weibull Distribution
MWDMulti-Wavelength Detection