Acronym | Definition |
MWD | Measurement while Drilling (oil drilling) |
MWD | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
MWD | Municipal Water District |
MWD | Military Working Dog |
MWD | Molecular Weight Distribution |
MWD | Merriam Webster Dictionary (Franklin Electronics) |
MWD | Maximum Waiting Delay |
MWD | Microsoft Windows Defender |
MWD | Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (stock symbol) |
MWD | Mean Wheal Diameter (skin prick tests) |
MWD | Macehiter Ward-Dutton (UK) |
MWD | My Wonderful Dog (various locations) |
MWD | Megawatt-Day |
MWD | Mobile Wireless Device |
MWD | Microwave Diathermy |
MWD | Manufacturing, Wholesale and Distribution |
MWD | Minimum Working Distance (camera lenses) |
MWD | Messages Waiting Data |
MWD | Missing, Wrong & Damaged (defects in the production and shipment of computers metric) |
MWD | Macaw Wasting Disease |
MWD | Message Waiting Denied (telephone) |
MWD | Ministry of Women's Development (Pakistan) |
MWD | Maldives Web Directory |
MWD | Movie Watching Dude |
MWD | Momentum Wheel Driver (HETE-2) |
MWD | Magnetostatic Wave Device |
MWD | Married with Dependent |
MWD | Ministerstwo Wnutrennich Djel (Russian: Ministry for the Interior) |
MWD | Modified Weibull Distribution |
MWD | Multi-Wavelength Detection |