AICADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Institute of Canada
AICAustralian Institute of Criminology
AICArt Institute of Colorado (Denver, CO)
AICArt Institute of Chicago
AICAlice In Chains (rock band)
AICArt Institute of Charleston (Charleston, SC)
AICAmerican International College (Springfield, MA)
AICAssociazione Italiana Celiachia (Italian: Italian Celiac Association)
AICArt Institute of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH)
AICAmerican Institute for Conservation (of Historic and Artistic Works)
AICAnalog Integrations Corporation (Taiwan)
AICAnime International Company (Tokyo, Japan)
AICAppraisal Institute of Canada (real estate)
AICAkaike Information Criterion
AICArts in the Community (various locations)
AICAssociation of Investment Companies (UK)
AICAlternative Information Center
AICAgricultural Insurance Company (various locations)
AICAccident Insurance Company (various locations)
AICAllstate Insurance Company (various locations)
AICAutomotive Intelligence Center
AICAllied International Credit (Allied Global Holdings)
AICAssociation Internationale des Charités (International Society of Charities)
AICAdministration for Industry and Commerce (China)
AICAssociate In Claims (insurance)
AICAustralian Islamic College (Perth, Australia)
AICAlarm Interconnect Controller Card
AICAdaptec Integrated Circuit
AICAutomated Image Capture
AICAutomatic Image Calibration
AICAdvanced Industrial Computer
AICAir Idle Control
AICAccess Information Center
AICAix Windows Interface Composer
AICAnalog Interface Circuitry
AICAlarm Interface Controller
AICAlbum in Comments
AICAIDS Information Center (Uganda)
AICAttorney in Charge (various locations)
AICAeronautical Information Circular
AICAssociazione Italiana Calciatori (Italian Footballers' Association)
AICAccretion-Induced Collapse (astronomy)
AICAgro Industries Corporation (India)
AICAnalysts International Corporation (Indianapolis, IN)
AICAsset Investment Corporation
AICArtificial Intelligence Center
AICAssistance for Isolated Children (Australia)
AICAdvanced Imaging Conference (California)
AICAgriculture Is Changing
AICAcademic Information Centre (various locations)
AICAir Intercept Controller (US DoD)
AICAgriculture in the Classroom (est. 1981)
AICAmerican Institute of Constructors
AICAgricultural Institute of Canada
AICAssociation of Idaho Cities (Boise, ID)
AICAkaike Information Criteria (model-order selection criterion )
AICAdvanced Industrial Countries
AICAgricultural Industries Confederation
AICAcceptance Insurance Companies (Council Bluffs, IA)
AICArchitecture and Infrastructure Committee (CIO)
AICArab Investment Company (Kuwait)
AICAdvisors' Inner Circle (investing)
AICAcademic Integrity Committee (various organizations)
AICAchieving Independence Center (Philadelphia, PA)
AICAgent in Charge
AICAmerican Institute of Chemists
AICAfrican Inland Church
AICAccademia Italiana Della Cucina (Italian Gastronomic Society)
AICAuto Iris Control (photography)
AICAllstate Indemnity Company (insurance)
AICApplication Integration Component
AICArt Institute of California
AICAvaya Interaction Center
AICAssociation of International Champions ( Barbershop Harmony Society)
AICAverage Incremental Cost
AICAccess International Capital (various locations)
AICAicardi Syndrome
AICAssociation of Independent Consultants (various locations)
AICApplied Intellectual Capital (Alameda, CA)
AICAcadémie Internationale de la Céramique (French: International Academy of Ceramics; Switzerland)
AICAmerican Investors Company (California)
AICAustralian Instructional Corps (1921-1955)
AICAuckland International College (Auckland, New Zealand)
AICAir-India Limited (ICAO code)
AICAnthem Insurance Companies (various locations)
AICAmnesty International Club (various locations)
AICAerospace Integration Corporation
AICAdvanced Interactivity Consortium (open forum)
AICAnalog Interface Circuit (TI)
AICArmy Industrial College (est. 1924)
AICAdvocates for Informed Choice (Cotati, CA)
AICAmpere Interrupting Capacity
AICAttendant in Charge
AICAlarm Interface Controller (Cisco)
AICAdvanced Intra Coding
AICAlternative Incarceration Center
AICAssign Individual Compressed Dial (US DoD)
AICAquitaine Image Cinéma (French film association)
AICArizona International College
AICAustin Improv Collective (Texas)
AICAfrica Innovation Centre (South Africa)
AICAnimal Identification Coordinator
AICAutomotive Innovation Center
AICAustralian Institute for Commercialization
AICAlternative Incremental Credit
AICAutomatic Intercept Center
AICAtlantic Intelligence Command
AICApplication Interpreted Construct
AICAmps Interrupting Capacity
AICArchitect Insight Conference (Microsoft)
AICAIX/Windows Interface Composer
AICAccurate Industrial Construction, Inc. (Fullerton, CA)
AICAlarm Interface Card
AICAction Information Center
AICAda Information Clearinghouse
AICArmy Intelligence Center
AICAppreciative Inquiry Commons (Case Western Reserve University; Cleveland, OH)
AICArgo Information Center
AICAmerican Institute of Cooperation
AICAdministration des Institutions Culturelles (French: Administration of Cultural Institutions; University Institute of Professional Education)
AICAssociate Independent Counsel
AICAcademic Instructor Course
AICApplication Inspection and Control (Cisco)
AICAdvanced Industrialised Country
AICAcceptable Intake for Chronic Exposure
AICAccount Identifier Code (USPS)
AICApplication Identification Channel (Telabs)
AICAmericans for Immigration Control, Inc. (since 1983; Monterey, Virginia)
AICArchival Information Collection
AICAllowance Item Code
AICAirborne Inhabited Cargo
AICAmerican Ingredients Co.
AICActive to Inert Conversion
AICAutorizzazione Immissione in Commercio (Italian: Commercial Marketing Permission)
AICArmy Interoperability Certification (US DoD)
AICAnglican Independent Communion
AICAustralian Informatics Competition
AICArtificial Insemination Center
AICAustralian Institute of Cartographers (now called Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia)
AICAnterior Iliac Crest (bone)
AICAlsace Investissement Conseil (French: Alsace Investment Council; Alsace, France)
AICAdoption Information Center
AICAtlantic Intelligence Center
AICAzul Inmo Caribe (Spanish; Dominican real estate agency)
AICAdvanced Information Concepts, Inc (Haddon Heights, NJ)
AICAbsolute International Concepts (France)
AICAcademia Internacional de Citologia
AICAss in Chair
AICAnnual Investment Charge
AICAcadémie Internationale de Cytologie
AICApplication Instrumentation and Control Standard (Computer Associates)
AICAdvantage Interactive Corporation
AICAfrica Independent Churches
AICAntique Info Center
AICAdvanced Integrated Circuit
AICAir Information Center
AICAvionics Integration Center
AICAcceptable Intake-Chronic (environment)
AICActivity Identification Code
AICAssociation des Infirmiers en Cardiologie
AICAdaptation and Integration Center
AICAnti Ice Command
AICAnalyst in Charge (various organizations)
AICAutomated Intelligence Correlation
AICAvailable Interrupting Current (electrical)
AICAutopilot Interface Circuit
AICAgence Immobilière Céret (French real estate agency)
AICAssistant Inspector in Charge (US Postal Inspection Service)
AICAirman In Charge :-)
AICAddress Information Center
AICAccord Immobilier Conseil (French real estate council)
AICAmperes Interrupt Current
AICAnaesthesia Information Concept
AICAdaptive Image Compression
AICAssignment Instruction Code
AICArmy Interoperability Center
AICArch Investment Conferences (est. 2005)
AICActive in Communities Project (UK)
AICAssignment Incentive Compensation
AICAsia in the Curriculum
AICAircraft Information Correlation
AICAdjusted Indirect Costs
AICAudio Intercommunications Center
AICAuxiliary Information Code
AICArchitecture Integration Committee
AICAddress Inquiry Command
AICAudio Intercommunications System
AICAwaiting Incoming Continuity
AICAuxiliary Interface Cabinet
AICAir Intake Controller
AICAdministration-Shelf Interface and Control (Tadiran)
AICAttack Information Center
AICAgency Infocenter
AICAthletic Instructors Course (Canada)
AICAviation Interoperability and Commonality
AICAssociation for International Communication (Aichi University; Japan)
AICAfrican Internet Connectivity (development project)