Acronym | Definition |
NAIC | National Association of Insurance Commissioners |
NAIC | National Association of Investors Corporation |
NAIC | National Adoption Information Clearinghouse |
NAIC | National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center |
NAIC | National Air Intelligence Center |
NAIC | National Aging Information Center |
NAIC | National Association of Investment Clubs |
NAIC | North American Industrial Classification System |
NAIC | Native American Indian Center (Ohio) |
NAIC | North American Interfraternity Conference |
NAIC | North American Indian Childhood Cirrhosis |
NAIC | Northeast Artificial Intelligence Consortium |
NAIC | North American Industrial Code |
NAIC | North American Industry Code |
NAIC | No Action Is Contemplated |
NAIC | Nuclear Weapon Accident & Incident Control |
NAIC | NATO Analog Interface Converter |
NAIC | National Aeronomy and Ionosphere Center |