Acronym | Definition |
AICI | Association of Image Consultants International |
AICI | American International Contractors, Inc. (est. 1974; Arlington, VA) |
AICI | Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. |
AICI | Acceptance Insurance Companies Inc. |
AICI | Air-Ice Chemical Interaction (atmospheric chemistry) |
AICI | Acts Intended to Cause Injury (Australian crime classification) |
AICI | Acç o para o Acesso da Indùstria a Circuitos Integrados (Portugal) |
References in periodicals archive
Trecutul sau nu este invulnerabil, de aici enigmele si misterul cu care il musamalizeaza.
La femme parisienne comme mythosphere
JET-SKI/JET-SKIING--"In sud se pot practica surfing, wind-surfing, parasutism legat de o barca <> sau plimbari cu jet-ski." ( [??] "Aici pot fi practicate o serie de sporturi nautice: jetsky-ing, plimbari cu barca, hidrobicicleta, wind-surfing, yachting, sckinautic, parapanta." (
Anglicisms in the Romanian language of tourism, sports and recreational activities
Wu, "An improved method for image edge detection based on GM(1,1) model," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI '09), vol.
A three-step approach with adaptive additive magnitude selection for the sharpening of images
Chen, "The research of Web service selection based on the Ant Colony Algorithm," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI '10), pp.
A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the service selection problem
Lin, "Parameter estimation of Wiener model based on improved bacterial foraging optimization," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI '10), pp.
Novel adaptive bacteria foraging algorithms for global optimization
The certifying organization, Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), has placed her as one of the nine Certified Image Masters in the world.
She shows you how to walk your talk-quite literally
Amintesc trecatorilor de pilotii care <> la baza militara de aici. Steagul NATO si cel al UE te readuc in prezent.
Framing and authorial attitudes in Romanian opinion discourse on the strategic partnership between Romania and the United States
Avem aici exprimate o ontologie estetica si o metodologie estetica aplicabila subiectului artistic.
De la multistructura si multispatiu la "receptionarea multidimensionala estetica si paradoxista Smarandache"
Rana Saab is a personal stylist and AICI certified image consultant who recently transformed two Rezidor managers ' work look from drab to fab.
10 style steps to becoming a hot-looking hotelier
Abir, a member of the Association Image Consultants International (AICI), the leading professional association of personal and corporate image consultants worldwide, has starred on Bahrain TV with her own fashion segment on Hala Bahrain.
New designs on looking good
"Moody's Baa1 senior unsecured debt rating for WellPoint and the A1 insurance financial strength (IFS) ratings of Anthem Insurance Companies Inc (AICI) and the five other rated health insurance operating subsidiaries are based on the company's strong business profile driven by its national presence, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) brand name, and its leading market position in most of the states in which it operates.
-Moody's attaches ratings to WellPoint shelf registration