OAFOld and Fat
OAFOrigin Address Field
OAFOracle Application Framework
OAFOffice of Administration and Finance (various locations)
OAFOnly A Fool
OAFOracle Applications Framework
OAFOperation Allied Force
OAFOsteoclast Activating Factor
OAFOrlando Advertising Federation
OAFObject Activation Framework (computing)
OAFOverseas Aid Fund (Australia)
OAFOpen Air Factor
OAFOrthopaedic Acronym Finder
OAFOptical Alignment Facility (NASA)
OAFOfficer Assignment Folder
OAFOpen Architecture Framework
OAFOxcops and Alex_Knight Forum (GlockTalk web forum)
OAFObjective Award Fee
OAFOrganizations, Appropriations, and Finance