NLSANorthern Lights Software Associates
NLSANational Library of South Africa
NLSANational Legal Services Authority (India)
NLSANeighborhood Legal Services Association
NLSANorth London Strategic Alliance
NLSANational Lutheran Schools Accreditation
NLSANatural Language Speech Assistant (Unisys)
NLSANewfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency
NLSANational Lutheran Schools Association
NLSANewfoundland and Labrador Soccer Association (Canada)
NLSANuclear Launch Safety Approval
NLSANational Land Settlement Administration
NLSANorthern Lightning Sprint Association (Canada)
NLSANational Locksmith Suppliers Association
NLSANevada Live Stock Association
NLSANational Logistics Staging Area
NLSANantucket Lightship Area
NLSANational Legal Service Authority (India)
NLSANational Liquor Stores Association
NLSANOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry
NLSANewfoundland and Labrador Shooting Association
NLSANonprofit Leadership Student Association
NLSANo Limits Support Association
NLSANeighorhood Legal Services Association
NLSANortheast Life Skills Associates, Inc. (Passaic, New Jersey)
NLSANative Law Students Association
NLSANorth Louisiana Safety Association
NLSANational Licensing Systems Australia
NLSANot Low Specific Activity
NLSANonlinear Stress Analysis
NLSANewfoundland and Labrador Sailing Association (Canada)