NRMNational Railway Museum (UK)
NRMNatural Resources Management
NRMNorman Rockwell Museum (Stockbridge, Massachusetts)
NRMNational Resistance Movement (Uganda)
NRMNetzdienste Rhein Main (German: Network Services Rhein Main)
NRMNero Mixed Mode
NRMNumber of Rm Cells
NRMNetwork Resource Management
NRMNegotiated Rule Making (American Administrative Law)
NRMNew Religious Movement (as contrasted to historical religions)
NRMNatural Resources and Mines (Australia)
NRMNormal Response Mode
NRMNetwork Resource Manager
NRMNational Rice Month (USA Rice Federation)
NRMNucleus Raphe Magnus
NRMNational Railroad Museum (Wisconsin)
NRMNetwork Reference Model
NRMNational Regeneration Movement (various locations)
NRMNewcastle Regional Museum (Australia)
NRMNewton-Raphson Method (root finding)
NRMNon Recurring Maintenance
NRMNatural Remanence Magnetization
NRMNext Reaction Method
NRMNew Rollmark (gun)
NRMNiagara Railway Museum (aka Niagara Falls Railway Museum; Canada)
NRMNon-Replacement Model (reliability theory)
NRMNext to Reading Matter