Acronym | Definition |
NRP | NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Research Park |
NRP | Neonatal Resuscitation Program |
NRP | National Response Plan |
NRP | National Reading Panel (US Department of Education) |
NRP | National Registry Paramedic (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) |
NRP | National Research Program |
NRP | Natural Resources Police (Maryland) |
NRP | National Religious Party (Israeli Political Party) |
NRP | Nationally Registered Paramedic (various organizations) |
NRP | Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (various locations) |
NRP | Nevis Reformation Party (Saint Kitts and Nevis) |
NRP | Non-Removable Pin (construction plans; hinge type) |
NRP | Non-Resident Parent |
NRP | Norwich Research Park (UK) |
NRP | National Reconciliation Party (Gambia) |
NRP | National Reform Party |
NRP | Nissan Revival Plan (Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.) |
NRP | Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (various locations) |
NRP | National Republican Party (Sierra Leone) |
NRP | Non-Unit-Related Personnel (US DoD) |
NRP | New Renaissance Party (political party; Japan) |
NRP | National Radio Project (Oakland, CA) |
NRP | Node Route Processor |
NRP | National Route Program (US FAA) |
NRP | National Reconnaissance Program (US) |
NRP | New Rights Party (Georgia) |
NRP | Network Resource Planning |
NRP | New Republic Party (South Africa) |
NRP | Navio da República Portuguesa |
NRP | National Recycling Partnership (Washington, DC) |
NRP | Negotiation and Resource Reservation Protocol |
NRP | Nylon Reinforced Plastic |
NRP | Non Resident Pakistani |
NRP | Needs-Related Payment |
NRP | Normal Rated Power |
NRP | Network Routing Processor (Cisco) |
NRP | Normalized Received Power |
NRP | Nuclear Reactor Plant |
NRP | Navigation Reference Point |
NRP | Net Rating Point |
NRP | NAVAIR Reserve Program |
NRP | Nationality Rooms Program |
NRP | National Roaming Partner (UMTS) |
NRP | Non-Regional Pronunciation |
NRP | Net Retail Price |
NRP | National Release Point (used in CTL ACTD program) |
NRP | Nested Reservation Protocol |
NRP | Nonregistered Publication |
NRP | Network Radio Protocol |
NRP | Non-Ranger Personnel |
NRP | Neutral Range Pressure |