Acronym | Definition |
OCI | Other Comprehensive Income |
OCI | Oracle Call Interface |
OCI | Orascom Construction Industries (Egypt) |
OCI | Overseas Citizenship of India |
OCI | Organizational Conflict of Interest |
OCI | Organisation de la Conférence Islamique (French: Organization of the Islamic Conference) |
OCI | Office of the Commissioner of Insurance |
OCI | Open Connection Indication |
OCI | Office of Cyberinfrastructure (US NSF) |
OCI | Ocean Choice International (various locations) |
OCI | On-Campus Interview (various universities) |
OCI | Ontario Cancer Institute (Canada) |
OCI | Outstanding Corporate Innovator (award) |
OCI | Oil Change Interval (engine maintenance) |
OCI | Object Computing, Inc. |
OCI | Open Catalog Interface (Sap Software) |
OCI | Outlet Centres International (UK) |
OCI | Office of Commissioner of Insurance |
OCI | Operating Companies Income |
OCI | Office of Criminal Investigation |
OCI | Otter Creek Institute (Eau Claire, WI) |
OCI | Omron Canada, Inc. (Ontario, Canada) |
OCI | Optimum Choice, Inc. |
OCI | Osteitis Condensans Ilii |
OCI | Organizzazione della Conferenza Islamica (Italian: Organization of the Islamic Conference) |
OCI | Oregon Correctional Institution |
OCI | Open Constitution Initiative (China) |
OCI | Office of Collateral Interest (Canada) |
OCI | Oakwood Collegiate Institute (Canada) |
OCI | Old College Inn (restaurant, Knoxville, Tennessee) |
OCI | Oil Corrosion Inhibitor (vessels) |
OCI | Organisational Culture Inventory |
OCI | Ocean Color Imager |
OCI | Object Code Insertion |
OCI | Overseas Council International (ministry program) |
OCI | Office of Capital Improvements (various locations) |
OCI | Optical Connector Interface (Lucent) |
OCI | Office of Central Inspection (Wichita, KS) |
OCI | Opportunity Center Inc. |
OCI | Options & Choices, Inc. |
OCI | Operations Concepts, Inc. |
OCI | Optical Channel Interface |
OCI | Open Circuit Interval |
OCI | Out of City Indicator |
OCI | Orientation Contrast Imaging |
OCI | Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada |
OCI | Open Control Interface (database publishing schema) |
OCI | Offensive Counter Information |
OCI | Oxford Cancer Information |
OCI | Observable Critical Item |
OCI | Oxide Control and Indication |
OCI | Online Curve Interpolator (function of CNC to reproduce free-from contours) |
OCI | Online Commercial Intent/Intention |
OCI | Overall Channel Inversion |
OCI | Oxygen Concentration Indicator |
OCI | Office of Corollary Interest |
OCI | Optically Coupled Isolator |
OCI | Obstacle Course Instructor |
OCI | Optical Cable Interface |
OCI | Okinawa Christian Institute (Japan) |
OCI | Open Circuit Interconnection (Nortel) |
OCI | Open Computing Infrastructure (OSF) |
OCI | Open Collector Interface (Opticom) |
OCI | Open Cable Initiative |
OCI | Overseas Connections, Inc. |
OCI | Onderwijs Commissie Informatica (Education Committee for Computer Science, Delft University of Technology) |