Acronym | Definition |
OCCA | Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals |
OCCA | Organized Crime Control Act |
OCCA | Oregon Coast Council for the Arts |
OCCA | Oregon Community College Association |
OCCA | Oil & Colour Chemists' Association |
OCCA | Ohio Community Corrections Association |
OCCA | Orthodox Catholic Church of America |
OCCA | Oregon Cheerleading Coaches Association |
OCCA | Open Cooperative Computing Architecture (NCR) |
OCCA | Oregon Computer Consultants Association |
OCCA | Onondaga Community College Association (New York) |
OCCA | Old Catholic Church of America |
OCCA | Oldie Computer Club Ahlen (Germany) |
OCCA | Ohio Concrete Construction Association |
OCCA | Online Courseware Component Architecture |
OCCA | Old City Civic Association |
OCCA | Off-Campus and Commuter Association |
OCCA | Ontario Current Cost Adjustment |
OCCA | Ohio Clerk of Courts Association |
OCCA | On-Line Chemistry Concept Assessment |
OCCA | Orange County Cocaine Anonymous |
OCCA | Oklahoma Club Calf Association |
OCCA | Ocean Club Community Association |
OCCA | Ontario Conference of Casualty Actuaries |
OCCA | Old Coopers' Coborn Association |
OCCA | Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma |
OCCA | Oxley Creek Catchment Association Inc |
OCCA | Ocean Cargo Clearance Activity |
OCCA | Orange County Callers Association |
OCCA | Old Colony Callers Association (professional square dance callers) |
OCCA | Orthodox Christian Clergy Association |
OCCA | Omeir Cotran and Chris Antich (Britain) |
OCCA | Old Colony Callers Association |
OCCA | Orinda Community Center Auxiliary |
OCCA | Orphan Care for Central Asia |
OCCA | Orissa Cine Critics Association |
OCCA | Ontario Casino Corporation Act |
OCCA | Okanagan Caller & Cuer Association |
OCCA | Oklahoma Cotton Cooperative Association |
OCCA | Orange County Corel Association |
OCCA | Optical Communication Over Clear Atmosphere |
OCCA | Oregon County Clerks Association |
OCCA | Omnibus Criminal Control Act |
OCCA | Oxford Circle Civic Association |
OCCA | Ontario Campus Conservatives Association (Canada) |
OCCA | Ocean Cargo Clearance/Clearing Authority |
OCCA | Office de la Cession de Commerces et d'Affaires (Belgium) |
OCCA | Ontario Chinese Canadian Association (Canada) |