PPGPoints Per Game (basketball player statistic)
PPGPower Play Goals (hockey)
PPGPhysicians Practice Group
PPGPower Puff Girls
PPGPublic and Publicly Guaranteed (bond)
PPGPlanning Policy Guidance (UK)
PPGProgrammable Pulse Generator
PPGPush Proxy Gateway
PPGProperty Page
PPGParent Peer Group
PPGPulse Pattern Generator
PPGPittsburgh Plate Glass
PPGPutt Putt Golf
PPGPro-Poor Growth (economic strategy)
PPGPenile Plethysmography (bloodflow)
PPGPulses per Gallon (flow meter)
PPGPostprandial Glucose
PPGPterygopalatine Ganglion (nervous system)
PPGPatient Participation Group
PPGProgram Project Grant (funded research in academic medicine)
PPGPocket Price Guide
PPGPerformance Partnership Grant (EPA)
PPGPounds Per Gallon
PPGPrice per Gallon
PPGPoly-Propylene Glycol
PPGPlasma Physics Group (various locations)
PPGPersonnel Policy Guidance
PPGPiping Assemblies (industry)
PPGProgram Planning Guidance (US FEMA)
PPGPhysican Provider Group (health care)
PPGPhillips Properties Group (Fuquay Varina, NC)
PPGPeople's Party of Guinea
PPGProgram Planning Group
PPGPowered Para Glider
PPGPerner Publishing Group (various locations)
PPGproportionate poverty gap
PPGPhased Plasma Gun (Babylon 5)
PPGPago Pago, American Samoa - International (Airport Code)
PPGPacific Proving Grounds (Marshall Islands)
PPGPlanned Parenthood of Georgia
PPGProject Planning Group
PPGPalm Products Germany
PPGPartial Product Generator
PPGPolicy and Planning Guidance (UK)
PPGPrinceton Partners Group (Russia)
PPGPremier Printing Group (Hong Kong)
PPGPersonnel Priority Group
PPGPersonnel Processing Group
PPGPittsburgh Paints and Glass
PPGPinnacle Performance Group, Inc.
PPGPath Protection Group
PPGPharmaceutical Partners Group
PPGPlanned Procurement Guide
PPGPhysical Planning Group
PPGPlanning & Programming Guidance
PPGPyro Pilot's Guild (game guild)
PPGPrimary Physician Group (medical billing)
PPGPrimary Process Group
PPGPublic Participant Group (Virginia citizen group)
PPGProduction Pushrod Gas (motorcycle racing engine class)
PPGProduct Program Guideline
PPGProtein Phosphatase Gene
PPGPostural Professional Golf (Italy)