Acronym | Definition |
NCA | National Command Authorities |
NCA | National Communication Association |
NCA | North Central Association of Colleges and Schools |
NCA | National Crime Agency (UK) |
NCA | Network Computing and Applications (IEEE International Symposium) |
NCA | National Capital Area |
NCA | Nippon Cargo Airlines (Japan) |
NCA | National Children's Alliance |
NCA | National Conservation Area (US Bureau of Land Management) |
NCA | Norwegian Church Aid |
NCA | Nippon Conditioning Association (Japan) |
NCA | News and Current Affairs |
NCA | National Credit Act |
NCA | National Cemetery Administration |
NCA | Noritake Coated Abrasive (Japan) |
NCA | National Cosmetology Association |
NCA | National Climate Assessment (interagency climate assessment) |
NCA | Nemzeti Civil Alapprogram (Hungarian: National Civil Fund Program) |
NCA | National Cheerleaders Association |
NCA | National Carousel Association |
NCA | NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) Convention Area |
NCA | National Constitutional Assembly (Zimbabwe) |
NCA | National Consumer Agency (Ireland) |
NCA | Nuclear Command Authority (various locations) |
NCA | N-Carboxy Anhydride (cyclic organic compound) |
NCA | New Covenant Academy (Springfield, MO) |
NCA | National Celiac Association (Needham, MA) |
NCA | Network Computing and Applications |
NCA | Novell Certification Alliance |
NCA | Network Caching Architecture |
NCA | Network Cache and Accelerator |
NCA | National Confectioners Association |
NCA | National Council on Alcoholism (various locations) |
NCA | National College of Arts (Pakistan) |
NCA | National Coffee Association |
NCA | Not Currently Available |
NCA | National Club Association (Washington, DC) |
NCA | National Candle Association |
NCA | Network Computing Architecture |
NCA | New Customer Acquisition |
NCA | Network Cache and Accelerator (Solaris) |
NCA | National Coastal Assessment (US EPA) |
NCA | Network Communications Adapter |
NCA | National Camp Association |
NCA | Northern College of Acupuncture (UK) |
NCA | National Cattlemen's Association |
NCA | Northwest College of Art (Washington) |
NCA | National Competition Agency (various locations) |
NCA | Non-Compete Agreement |
NCA | National Council on Aging |
NCA | National Commission on Accrediting (various organizations) |
NCA | National Craft Association |
NCA | National Competition Authority (EU) |
NCA | National Caving Association (UK) |
NCA | Natomas Community Association (Sacramento, CA) |
NCA | Norwegian Competition Authority |
NCA | National Cleaners Association |
NCA | National Committee on Accreditation |
NCA | North Caicos, Turks And Caicos Islands (Airport Code) |
NCA | National Coal Association |
NCA | National Costumers Association (Indianapolis, IN) |
NCA | Neighborhood Cleaners Association |
NCA | National Caves Association (Kentucky) |
NCA | National Courier Association (UK) |
NCA | National Certification Authority (various locations) |
NCA | Nagano Curling Association (Japan) |
NCA | Netherlands Centre for Alternatives to animal use |
NCA | Nursing Council on Alcohol (est. 2000) |
NCA | National Council for Adoption |
NCA | Narrow Coverage Area (US DoD Satellite Communications) |
NCA | Noise Control Act of 1972 (US) |
NCA | Nevada Cattlemen's Association |
NCA | North Coast Aquatics (California) |
NCA | National Canners Association |
NCA | Neurocirculatory Asthenia |
NCA | Network Control Analysis |
NCA | National Constructors Association |
NCA | Notice of Cash Allocation |
NCA | Network Computer Architecture (Apollo) |
NCA | Newport Collaborative Architects (Rhode Island) |
NCA | National Cathedral Association |
NCA | Non Current Asset |
NCA | Nicaraguan Cultural Alliance |
NCA | Nehemiah Corporation of America (Sacramento, CA) |
NCA | Nortel Certified Architect |
NCA | National Chamber of Agriculture |
NCA | Northern Consultancy Association |
NCA | Nashua Christian Academy |
NCA | Nippon CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) Association (Japan) |
NCA | Nebraska Counseling Association |
NCA | Northern Cluster Alliance |
NCA | Nursing Care Assistant (UK) |
NCA | Northwest Capital Appreciation, Inc |
NCA | Neurologic Chronometric Assessment |
NCA | Normal Central Assistance (India) |
NCA | National Communications Agency |
NCA | National Coordinating Agency |
NCA | Non Circumvention Agreement |
NCA | Nuclear and Chemical Agency |
NCA | National Council of Attractions |
NCA | Number of Calls Abandoned (telephony) |
NCA | Navy Counselor Association, Inc. |
NCA | Not Camp Appropriate |
NCA | No Circuit Announcement |
NCA | Nebraska Cattlemen's Association |
NCA | Nominee-Based Congestion Algorithm |
NCA | Navy Center for Cost Analysis |
NCA | Northern Communications Area |
NCA | Nissei Corporation of America (Greenville, SC) |
NCA | Neil Cerbone Associates, Inc (South Orange, NJ) |
NCA | New Charter Academy (UK) |
NCA | Norwegian Concrete Association |
NCA | Network Control Agent |
NCA | Node-Cooperation Algorithm |
NCA | Marine Corps Air Station New River, Jacksonville, NC (airport identifier) |
NCA | National Contest Association |
NCA | Nikon Color Adjustment |
NCA | Nurse Consultant Associates |
NCA | Nepal Cultural Association |
NCA | National Certification in Agriculture (UK) |