NCAFNational Community Action Foundation
NCAFNatural Computing Applications Forum (UK)
NCAFNational Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan)
NCAFNeural Computing Applications Forum
NCAFNew Client Application Form
NCAFNational Countryside Access Forum (UK)
NCAFNorth Carolina Alcohol Facts
NCAFNiki Charitable Art Foundation
NCAFNational Consumer Affairs Foundation
NCAFNational Collections Advisory Forum (Australia)
NCAFNational Cancer Awareness Foundation
NCAFNational Clean Air Fund
NCAFNorthern Complainant Aid Fund (UK)
NCAFNet Cost to Avert a Fatality (International Maritime Organization Formal Safety Assessment)
NCAFNorth Central Advertising Federation (Lafayette, IN)
NCAFNational Christian Arts Festival
NCAFNASA Central Adjudication Facility
NCAFNorthern Colorado Athletic Fund
NCAFNew Client Account Form
NCAFnumber of capillaries around each fiber
NCAFNationalist Chinese Air Force
NCAFNew Conglomerate Air Force
NCAF.Net C# Agent Framework
NCAFNon-Contributing Area Factor
NCAFNorth Carolina Architectural Foundation