Acronym | Definition |
MRA | Magnetic Resonance Angiography |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Arrangement |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Agreement |
MRA | Market Research Analyst |
MRA | Mountain Rescue Association |
MRA | Mauritius Revenue Authority (Mauritius) |
MRA | Men's Rights Activist |
MRA | Malawi Revenue Authority |
MRA | Moral Rearmament |
MRA | Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist (heart failure treatment) |
MRA | Moderated Regression Analysis (economics) |
MRA | Minimum Retirement Age |
MRA | Metal Roofing Alliance |
MRA | Media Rights Agenda (Nigeria) |
MRA | Marketing Research Association |
MRA | Message Records and Actions |
MRA | Mazda Research and Development of North America |
MRA | Mould Release Agent |
MRA | Multi-Room Audio (amplifiers) |
MRA | Master Repurchase Agreement |
MRA | Massachusetts Restaurant Association |
MRA | Michigan Retailers Association |
MRA | Michigan Restaurant Association |
MRA | Multiple Regression Analysis |
MRA | Mandatory Retirement Age |
MRA | Moving Right Along |
MRA | Multi-Resolution Analysis |
MRA | Model Railway Association (various locations) |
MRA | Mental Retardation Authority |
MRA | Men's Rights Agency |
MRA | Master of Research Administration (various schools) |
MRA | Medical Records Assistant |
MRA | Migration and Refugee Assistance |
MRA | Minimum Reception Altitude |
MRA | Material Return Authorization |
MRA | Marine Resources Assessment (US Navy) |
MRA | Mail Retrieval Agent (internet email) |
MRA | Market Risk Amendment |
MRA | Mahan Rykiel Associates (various locations) |
MRA | Memphis Restaurant Association (Memphis, TN) |
MRA | Master Residential Appraiser |
MRA | Mission Risk Assessment |
MRA | Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft |
MRA | Mitsubishi Rayon America (New York, NY) |
MRA | Maneuver Rights Area |
MRA | Market Rate Account (saving mechanism) |
MRA | Munitions Response Area (US DoD) |
MRA | Masters Rowing Association |
MRA | Mutant Registration Act (X-Men) |
MRA | Magneto-Resistive Asymmetry (hard disk drives) |
MRA | Minimum Repayment Amount |
MRA | Mission Ready Airmen (US Air Force) |
MRA | Malaysia Retailers Association |
MRA | Monthly Rental Assistance (US FEMA) |
MRA | Moped Riders Association (bike club) |
MRA | Mulholland Racing Association |
MRA | MEFPAK (Manpower & Equipment Force Packaging) Responsible Agency (US Air Force) |
MRA | Mutual Responsibility Agreement |
MRA | Miniature Radar Altimeter |
MRA | Miscellaneous Relocation Allowance (various organizations) |
MRA | Material Receipt Acknowledgement (US DoD) |
MRA | Mutually Restricted Access |
MRA | Maximum Reimbursement Allowed (funding cap) |
MRA | Military Research Associate(s) |
MRA | Manual of Regulatory Audits |
MRA | Mission Readiness Airlift |
MRA | Matter Requiring Attention |
MRA | Message Release Authority |
MRA | Maximum Repair Allowance |
MRA | Multiple Relationship Analysis |
MRA | Mean Reference Axis |
MRA | Mean Acoustic Response Axis |
MRA | Machine Records Activity |
MRA | Modernization Readiness Assessment |
MRA | Maintenance and Repair Area |
MRA | Minimum Reserve Authorization |
MRA | Milestone Review and Approval |
MRA | Main/Maximum Response Axis |
MRA | Manufacturer's Resale Agreement |
MRA | Minimal Reactance Antenna |
MRA | Message Review Authority |
MRA | Module Reservoir Assembly (automotive fuel system) |
MRA | Mission Ready & Available |
MRA | Mixture Reduction Algorithm |
MRA | Metro Rating Area |
MRA | Model Range of Accuracy |
MRA | Matrix-Rational Approximation Algorithm |
MRA | Membrane Reflector Antenna |