Acronym | Definition |
PVI | Prairie View Industries (Fairbury, Nebraska) |
PVI | Pulmonary Vein Isolation |
PVI | Pilot-Vehicle Interface |
PVI | Private, Voluntary and Independent (sector) |
PVI | Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry |
PVI | Peripheral Vascular Intervention |
PVI | Positive Volume Index |
PVI | Point of Vertical Intersection |
PVI | Primary Vehicle Identifier (General Motors) |
PVI | Power Vehicle Innovation (French bus and truck manufacturer) |
PVI | Present Value Index |
PVI | Pleasant Valley Intermediate School (Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania) |
PVI | Pressure Vessel Inspection |
PVI | Pre-Vulcanization Inhibitor |
PVI | Pacific Vocational Institute (Canada) |
PVI | Peripheral Venous Insufficiency |
PVI | Partisan Voting Index (also seen as the Cook Partisan Voting Index, CPVI) |
PVI | Protected Vehicles, Inc (Summerville, SC) |
PVI | Princeton Video Image, Inc (Lawrenceville, NJ) |
PVI | Profound Visual Impairment |
PVI | Paul VI High School (Haddonfield, NJ) |
PVI | Penile Vaginal Intercourse |
PVI | Peak Value Intersection (urban planning) |
PVI | Postage Validation Imprinter |
PVI | Private Vocational Institution (Canada) |
PVI | Pairwise Variability Index (measure of acoustic correlates of speech rhythm) |
PVI | Power Valves International (UK) |
PVI | Pour Votre Information (French: For Your Information) |
PVI | Peso Vivo Inicial (Portugese) |
PVI | PetroVietnam Insurance Co. |
PVI | Photovoltaic Isolator (electronics) |
PVI | Personal Vocal Instruction (aka Private Vocal Instruction) |
PVI | Polyvinyl Isobutyl Ether |
PVI | Private Vocal Instruction (aka Personal Vocal Instruction) |
PVI | Product Verification Inspection |
PVI | Pragmatic Vision, Inc. |
PVI | Platform Vendor Independent |
PVI | Personal Value Inventory |
PVI | Product Value Information |
PVI | Publicly Visible Identifier (University of Wisconsin Madison) |
PVI | Platinum Vapour Injector/Injection |
PVI | Public Vomiting Incident |
PVI | Prêts de Véhicules pour l'Aide à l'Insertion (French car loan association) |
PVI | Provinciaal Veiligheid Instituut (Dutch) |
PVI | Para Vuestra Información (Spanish: For Your Information) |