Acronym | Definition |
BLD | Boulder (Amtrak station code; Boulder, CO) |
BLD | Build |
BLD | Blood |
BLD | Blade |
BLD | Blonde |
BLD | Blue Laser Diode |
BLD | Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
BLD | Big League Dreams (recreational sports facility; various locations) |
BLD | Baldwin Technology Company (various locations) |
BLD | Business Leadership Development (various organizations) |
BLD | Beam Limiting Device (radiation) |
BLD | Bag Leak Detector |
BLD | Bukas-Loob Sa Diyos (Filipino: Open In Spirit To God) |
BLD | Bulgarian Land Development (real estate company) |
BLD | Beam Lead Device |
BLD | BASIC Bload Graphics (File Name Extension) |
BLD | Black Lawyers Directory (UK) |
BLD | Bibliothèque-Lecture-Développement (French: Reading Development Library; Senegal) |
BLD | Bitches Love Drama |
BLD | Bioanalytical Laboratory Director (New Jersey) |
BLD | Below Limit of Detection |
BLD | Blue Lambency Downward (Kayo Dot music album) |
BLD | Baseline Design |
BLD | Bangladesh Legal Decisions |
BLD | Banana Leaf Dressing |
BLD | Bad Life Decision |
BLD | Boolean Logic Diagram |
BLD | Border Line Detonation (spark ignited internal combustion engine) |
BLD | Big Liver Disease (visceral lymphomatosis, avian leukosis complex) |
BLD | Base Listing Document |
BLD | Bachelor of Landscape Design |