Acronym | Definition |
BLDA | Bayesian Linear Discriminant Analysis |
BLDA | Bangladesh Land Developers Association |
BLDA | Beit Lahiya Development Association |
BLDA | Bell Labs Design Automation |
BLDA | Black Dahlia |
BLDA | Belleau Lake Dam Association Inc. (East Wakefield, NH) |
BLDA | Ballroom and Latin Dance Association (University of Chicago) |
BLDA | Busse Longlife Design Award |
BLDA | Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana) |
BLDA | Birmingham Lindy Dancers Association (Birmingham, AL) |
BLDA | Balanan Lake Development Authority |
BLDA | Beer, Liquor and Drinks Association (Viet Nam) |
BLDA | Boosting Linear Discriminant Analysis |
BLDA | Backlit Display Apparatus |
BLDA | Barrie Land Developers Association (Canada) |
BLDA | Business and Legal Design Authority (UK) |
BLDA | Bukan Lalang Ditiup Angin |
BLDA | Bread of Life and Deliverance Association |
BLDA | Boston Latino Deaf Association (Brighton, MA) |
BLDA | Barrett Lloyd Davis Associates LLP (UK) |
BLDA | Bondo Livestock Development Agents |