NWTNorthwest Territories (Canada)
NWTNew with Tag(s) (online auctions)
NWTNormal Wear and Tear
NWTNew World Translation (Bible)
NWTNatural Wear and Tear
NWTNorfolk Wildlife Trust (UK)
NWTNew with Tags
NWTNormal Wideband Terminal
NWTNetwork Transmission
NWTNet Weight
NWTNew World Technology
NWTNew World Telecom
NWTNonwatertight (product feature)
NWTNoted with Thanks (email response)
NWTNorthwest Territorial Mint
NWTNormal Wideband Terminal (US DoD)
NWTNear West Theatre (Cleveland, OH)
NWTNot with Team (sports)
NWTNeighbors Working Together (various locations)
NWTNorth West Tonight/Today
NWTNuclear Weapons Technology Programs
NWTNew Wave Tuesday
NWTNo Weight Transfer (Skimaire)
NWTNaval Weapons Technician (Canadian Forces)
NWTNegated Walsh Transform