NWWANational Water Well Association
NWWANorthwest Whale Watchers Association
NWWANorth West Water Authority (UK)
NWWANaval Wives Welfare Association (India)
NWWANew Ways of Working in Anaesthesia (project)
NWWANorth Wales Water Authority (North Wales, PA)
NWWANew Wave Wrestling Alliance
NWWANu-Wave Wrestling Association
NWWANetWare WebAccess (Novell)
NWWANorth West Windsurfing Association (UK)
NWWANew World Wine Agencies (South Africa)
NWWANetwork World Asia
NWWANew World Wrestling Alliance
NWWANepal Woodworkers Association
NWWANEEPCO Women Welfare Association (India)
NWWANational World Wrestling Association
NWWANational Wheat Weavers Association (Hutchinson, KS)
NWWANational Waterfowl and Wetland Association
NWWANational Water Works Association
NWWANorthwestern Wrestling Alliance
NWWANorthWest Water Authority
NWWANorth Walians With Attitude