Acronym | Definition |
AWW | Australian Women's Weekly (magazine) |
AWW | Average Weekly Wage (workers' compensation) |
AWW | Anatomical Worldwide (various locations) |
AWW | Antwerpse Waterwerken (Belgian: Antwerp drinking water distributor) |
AWW | American Water Works |
AWW | Any Which Way |
AWW | Anganwadi Worker (health care; India) |
AWW | Auction of Washington Wines (Seattle, WA) |
AWW | Allagash Wilderness Waterway |
AWW | Aluminium-Werke Wutöschingen (German aluminium processing plant) |
AWW | Above-Water Warfare |
AWW | Severe Weather Forecast Alert |
AWW | Algers, Winslow and Western Railway |
AWW | Adjusted Weaning Weight |
AWW | Adjusted Work Week |
AWW | Adult Who's Who (adult entertainment professional networking website) |
AWW | All Weather Wood (construction) |
AWW | Association des Wateringues Wallonnes (French: Walloon Association of Water Boards; Belgium) |