Acronym | Definition |
NCAT | National Center for Appropriate Technology (Butte, MT) |
NCAT | Noise Cancellation and Amplification Technology |
NCAT | National Center for Asphalt Technology |
NCAT | National Center for Academic Transformation |
NCAT | Northern College of the Arts & Technology (Melbourne, Australia) |
NCAT | Nigerian College of Aviation Technology |
NCAT | National Center for Advanced Technologies |
NCAT | National Center for Accessible Transportation (Oregon) |
NCAT | NURBS-Based Cardiac-Torso |
NCAT | North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University (Greensboro, North Carolina; also seen as NCATU) |
NCAT | National Carbon Accounting Toolbox (Australian Greenhouse Office) |
NCAT | New Center Asset Trust (Delaware) |
NCAT | Network Config Audit Tool |
NCAT | Naval Center for Acquisition Training |
NCAT | Neuro-Cognitive Assessment Testing |
NCAT | Normocephalic/Atraumatic (Head Not Injured) |
NCAT | Network Capacity Assessment Tool |
NCAT | North Country Artist Trails (British Columbia, Canada) |
NCAT | National Center for Applied Technology |
NCAT | Net Censorship and Terrorism |
NCAT | New Caney Aquatic Team |
NCAT | National Centre for Anticoagulation Training (UK) |
NCAT | Naval College Aptitude Test |
NCAT | Network Comparison and Analysis Tool (Blue Cross) |
NCAT | Nanba City Air Terminal |
NCAT | Network of Citizens Against Trafficking |
NCAT | Newah Cultural Association of Texas |
NCAT | Northcentral Antenna Technologies, Inc (Dixon, IL) |
NCAT | Neurocognitive Assessment Test |