Acronym | Definition |
NDI | National Democratic Institute |
NDI | National Dance Institute (New York) |
NDI | Non-Destructive Inspection (such as x-ray of wings for cracks) |
NDI | Northern Digital, Inc. (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) |
NDI | Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus |
NDI | Network Design and Installation |
NDI | Network Driver Installer |
NDI | Network Driver Interface |
NDI | Non Developmental Item |
NDI | Non-Developmental Item |
NDI | National Death Index |
NDI | Neck Disability Index (physical therapy) |
NDI | New Dietary Ingredient (FDA) |
NDI | Nissan Design International |
NDI | Northern Development Initiative (Canada) |
NDI | National Dialogue Initiative (various organizations) |
NDI | Nautical Data International |
NDI | Neurodevelopmental Impairments |
NDI | Non-Industrial Disability Insurance |
NDI | Nissay Dowa Insurance (Japan) |
NDI | No Deception Indicated (polygraph) |
NDI | National Deliverability Index |
NDI | Nitrogen Drawdown Index (Australian standard for composts, soil conditioners) |
NDI | New Data Indicator |
NDI | Network Deployment and Integration |
NDI | Numéro de Désignation d'Installation (French) |
NDI | National Decertification Index (International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training) |
NDI | Navigation Data Integrator (US Navy) |
NDI | Nongard Depression Index (self-assessment tool) |
NDI | Nielsen Drug Index |
NDI | Normalized Dispersion Index |