Acronym | Definition |
NOA | Nintendo Of America |
NOA | National Observatory of Athens (Athens, Greece) |
NOA | National Orientation Agency (Nigeria) |
NOA | Notice Of Availability |
NOA | Notice of Award |
NOA | Notification of Award (various organizations) |
NOA | Notice of Acceptance (Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office) |
NOA | Notice of Action |
NOA | Noroeste Argentino (Spanish: Argentine North West Region) |
NOA | Night of Artists (event and magazine) |
NOA | Net on Air |
NOA | Nature of Address |
NOA | National Obituary Archive (Jonesboro, AR) |
NOA | National Olympic Academy (various locations) |
NOA | Notice of Assessment |
NOA | Number of Ancestors (computing) |
NOA | Naturally Occurring Asbestos |
NOA | None of the Above (Wristwatch Brand) |
NOA | Nature Of Action |
NOA | Notice of Allowance (US Patent and Trademark Office) |
NOA | Notice of Arrival (US Coast Guard) |
NOA | Net Operating Assets |
NOA | North Atlantic Oscillation |
NOA | Number of Attributes |
NOA | National Optometric Association |
NOA | Natural Ontological Attitude (philosophy) |
NOA | Nonobstructive Azoospermia |
NOA | Nature of Address (Cisco) |
NOA | National Onion Association |
NOA | New Obligation Authority |
NOA | Notice of Assignment |
NOA | New Orleans Arena |
NOA | Notification of Personnel Action |
NOA | Nebraska Optometric Association |
NOA | New Orleans Association (New Orleans, LA) |
NOA | Nintendo of Australia |
NOA | New Obligational Authority |
NOA | New Operational Automation System (Japan) |
NOA | Naturaleza Organización y Ambiente (Spanish: Nature and Environment Organization; Guatemala) |
NOA | Norwegians of America (gaming clan) |
NOA | Notes on Anthropology (journal) |
NOA | Navy Open Architecture (US Navy) |
NOA | Not Otherwise Authorized |
NOA | Northwest Orient Airlines |
NOA | Nevada Optometric Association |
NOA | Notice of Adjustment |
NOA | Network Outsourcing Association |
NOA | Notify on Arrival |
NOA | Network Optical Access (Digital Lightwave) |
NOA | Naval Operating Areas |
NOA | National Operational Agency (Germany) |
NOA | National Oceanography Association |
NOA | Networked Office Appliance (Ricoh) |
NOA | Non-Operating Aircraft |