NOBNewell's Old Boys (sports club and soccer team; Rosario, Argentina)
NOBNature of Business
NOBNot on Board
NOBNot Observed
NOBNord-Ostsee-Bahn (German railway)
NOBNumber of Branches
NOBNew Open Box
NOBNo Bits
NOBNumber of Overflow Blocks
NOBNumber of Bits
NOBNorthern Ontario Business (publication; Canada)
NOBNightmare of Battle (martial arts)
NOBNotification of Birth (various locations)
NOBNorth Office Building
NOBNew Office Building (various organizations)
NOBNaval Operations Base
NOBNational Office Bearer (South Africa)
NOBNo Other Business
NOBNaval Order of Battle
NOBNarodno Oslobodilacka Borba (Russian: National Liberation Movement of Resistance)
NOBNavy Operating Base
NOBNone On-Board
NOBNorthern Operating Base
NOBNuclear Order of Battle
NOBNorth Of Boston Library System
NOBNuclear Oversight Board (various organizations)
NOBNeck Righting Action on the Body
NOBNorth of Border