Acronym | Definition |
NRS | Nevada Revised Statutes |
NRS | Netherrealm Studios (game developer; Chicago, IL) |
NRS | National Roper Supply (Texas) |
NRS | Normal Rabbit Serum |
NRS | New Russian Standard |
NRS | National Runaway Switchboard (Chicago, IL) |
NRS | Noise Reduction System |
NRS | Name Registration Scheme |
NRS | National Relay Service (hearing imparied telephone service in Australia) |
NRS | Northwest River Supply (outdoor equipment retailer) |
NRS | Numerical Rating Scale (pain measurement) |
NRS | Nepalese Rupee (national currency) |
NRS | National Readership Survey |
NRS | Natural Reserve System (University of California) |
NRS | Non-Rising Stem |
NRS | National Rosacea Society |
NRS | Niagara Reef Society |
NRS | National Response System (EPA) |
NRS | National Regulatory System (Australia) |
NRS | Nippon Riku-Un Sangyo (Japan) |
NRS | Navy Relief Society (US Navy) |
NRS | National Reference Standard |
NRS | Novell Replication Services |
NRS | Naval Radio Station |
NRS | Nationwide Relocation Service |
NRS | Navy Recruiting Station |
NRS | National Reporter System (court cases reference source) |
NRS | Network Reputation Service (various companies) |
NRS | National Reservation System (phone preordering) |
NRS | National Recovery Services (various locations) |
NRS | Nuclear and Radiation Safety |
NRS | Nationally Recruited Staff |
NRS | National Railway Supplies, Ltd. (UK) |
NRS | Network Routing Service |
NRS | National Resource Specialist (FAA) |
NRS | Non Repudiation of Submission (electronic commerce) |
NRS | Natural Resources Secretariat (various locations) |
NRS | Non-Requesting Spouse (taxes; US IRS) |
NRS | Name Resolution Server |
NRS | Norman-Roberts Syndrome |
NRS | Non-Resident Studies (US Army) |
NRS | Natural Reclamation System |
NRS | Neglected Reserved Sub-Tree |
NRS | Network Request Scheduler |
NRS | Network Routing Solution |
NRS | NATO Range Safety |
NRS | Newreka Recycle Solution (Newreka Green Synth Technologies Pvt. Ltd.; India) |
NRS | Name Reporting System |
NRS | National Reduced Server (TBMCS) |
NRS | Near Reactor Shield |
NRS | Non-Repairable at Sea |
NRS | Navy Reporting System |
NRS | Nonconformance Reporting System (US NASA) |
NRS | National Real Estate Specialists (Prescott, AZ) |