Acronym | Definition |
OEF | Operation Enduring Freedom (US government response to September 11, 2001 terrorism attacks) |
OEF | Operation Enduring Freedom (US DoD) |
OEF | Office of Educational Facilities (Florida Department of Education) |
OEF | Oxygen Extraction Fraction |
OEF | Original Electronic Format (document format) |
OEF | Open Education Faculty (Turkey) |
OEF | Oxford Economic Forecasting |
OEF | Operational Experience Feedback (EU) |
OEF | Open End Fund |
OEF | Optimal Extension Fields (elliptic curve cryptosystems) |
OEF | Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum |
OEF | Order Entry Format (various organizations) |
OEF | Order of Ecumenical Franciscans (religious order) |
OEF | Olfactory Evoked Magnetic Field |
OEF | ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) Expeditionary Force (gaming clan) |
OEF | Ojai Education Foundation (Ojai, CA) |
OEF | Ontario Equine Federation (Canada) |
OEF | Operational Efficiency Factor |
OEF | Organization Enhancement Fund |
OEF | Open Experimentation Framework |
OEF | Ocean Environmental File |
OEF | Open-End Face |