OELOccupational Exposure Limit
OELOriginal English Language
OELOffice of Early Learning (various locations)
OELOptical Engineering Laboratory (University of Warwick, UK)
OELOracle Enterprise Linux
OELOra et Labora (Latin: Pray and Work)
OELOccupational Exposure Level
OELOtto Energy Limited (Australia)
OELOrganic Electroluminescent (display technology)
OELOffice of Experiential Learning (various schools)
OELOffice of Extended Learning (various organizations)
OELOrganic Electro Luminiscence
OELOrganic Electro Luminiscent
OELObject Oriented Extensible Language
OELOptional Endorsement Line (US postal service)
OELOld English Language
OELOpen Ended Line (chemical process industry for a pipe open to the atmosphere)
OELOrganizational Equipment List
OELOffshore Employee Leasing
OELOver-Excitation Limiter
OELOffice of Export Licensing
OELOptical Evaluation Laboratory
OELOperational Events List
OELOperational Equipment List (US Army)
OELOpen End License
OELOpened End Line (of credit)