OEROpen Educational Resources
OEROfficial Exchange Rate
OEROxygen-Evolution Reaction (energy)
OEROffice of Extramural Research (US NIH)
OEROil Extraction Rate
OEROdakyu Electric Railway (Japan)
OEROffice of External Relations (various organizations)
OEROsservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale (Italian: Regional Epidemiological Observatory)
OEROffice of Employee Relations (various locations)
OEROracle Enterprise Repository (software)
OEROffice of Educational Research
OEROctet Encoding Rules
OEROptimized Edge Router
OEROffice of Emergency Response
OEROfficer Evaluation Report
OEROptimized Edge Routing
OEROwners' Equivalent Rent
OEROffice of Equal Rights (US FEMA)
OEROperating Expense Ratio
OEROfficer Efficiency Report
OEROffice of Energy Research
OEROpen Ended Response
OEROfficer Effectiveness Report
OEROffice of Environmental Restoration
OEROperational Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Requirements (US DoD)
OEROffice of Exploratory Research
OEROrange Empire Railway
OEROrganizational Efficiency Review
OEROperating Experience Report/Review
OEROdd-Even Rule
OEROrder Entry Representative