Acronym | Definition |
NCD | National Council on Disability |
NCD | National Coverage Determination |
NCD | National Clinical Database (Japan) |
NCD | Native Circuit Description (file format) |
NCD | National Capacity Development (various locations) |
NCD | Natural Cellular Defense |
NCD | Nero Cover Designer Document |
NCD | Norton Change Directory |
NCD | Network Computing Devices |
NCD | Neighborhood Commercial District (various locations) |
NCD | Non-Communicable Disease |
NCD | New Concept Development (various organizations) |
NCD | National Capital District |
NCD | No Claim Discount (auto insurance) |
NCD | National Condom Day (safe sex awareness) |
NCD | Non-Convertible Debenture |
NCD | Norton Change Directory (Norton Utilities) |
NCD | Needle Chest Decompression (medical procedure) |
NCD | Non-Contagious Disease |
NCD | Negotiable Certificate of Deposit |
NCD | Nanocrystalline Diamond (synthetic) |
NCD | National Center for Digitization (Serbia) |
NCD | Nippon Computer Dynamics Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
NCD | Nigerian Content Division (est. 2005) |
NCD | New Castle Disease (viral disease of chicken) |
NCD | No Claims Declaration (insurance) |
NCD | North Central Division (USACE) |
NCD | National Control Devices |
NCD | Normalized Compression Distance |
NCD | Non Crystalline Diffraction |
NCD | Nanochromics Display (Ntera Ltd; Ireland) |
NCD | National Catechetical Directory |
NCD | Naval Construction Division |
NCD | Nonlinear Control Design |
NCD | Nacho Cheese Doritos (food) |
NCD | Nutrition Care Division |
NCD | Non-Carbonated Drink (beverage industry) |
NCD | No Computed Data |
NCD | No Can Do |
NCD | New Club Development (New York University) |
NCD | New Collegiate Division (University of Chicago; Chicago, IL) |
NCD | No Cloud Detected (meteorology) |
NCD | No Cell Delineation (ITU-T) |
NCD | New Currency Design (US Bureau of Engraving and Printing) |
NCD | Non Coherent Detection |
NCD | National Council on Drugs |
NCD | Newport Chemical Depot (Newport, Indiana) |
NCD | National Calamity Contingency Duty (India) |
NCD | Network Copy Detection (Aldus Corp.) |
NCD | Non-Chemical Device (water conditioning) |
NCD | Non-Classified Drainage (forestry stream classification) |
NCD | Deputy Comptroller of the Navy |
NCD | Network Control Division |
NCD | Nearly Completely Decomposability |
NCD | Naval Contracting Directive |
NCD | Network Control Device |
NCD | Northland: A Church Distributed |
NCD | Number Column Density |
NCD | Node Connectivity Diagram |
NCD | Network Connectivity Device |
NCD | Network Call Delivery (Cisco) |
NCD | Never Can Deliver |
NCD | Notice of Credit Due (US Navy) |
NCD | No Confirmed Date |
NCD | Network Call Distribution |
NCD | Non-Compliant Device |