Acronym | Definition |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
OCR | Optical Character Reader |
OCR | Office for Civil Rights |
OCR | Office of Civil Rights |
OCR | Orange County Register (newspaper) |
OCR | Obstacle Course Racing |
OCR | Official Cash Rate |
OCR | Oxygen Consumption Rate |
OCR | Online Course Review (various universities) |
OCR | On-Campus Resources (college recruitment) |
OCR | Original Cast Recording |
OCR | Ossicular Chain Reconstruction (ear surgery) |
OCR | Oracle Cluster Registry |
OCR | Output Control Register |
OCR | Object Clock Reference |
OCR | Optical Core Router |
OCR | Overcommitment Ratio |
OCR | Olympic Classes Regatta (various locations) |
OCR | On-Campus Recruitment |
OCR | Own Credit Risk |
OCR | Office of Community Relations |
OCR | Ottawa Central Railway |
OCR | Office of Civilian Requirements (US Navy) |
OCR | Old Country Road |
OCR | Office of Congressional Relations (OPM) |
OCR | Overall Capitalization Rate (real estate) |
OCR | Omnicare Clinical Research (Omnicare, Inc.) |
OCR | Open Collaborative Research |
OCR | Office of Coordinating Responsibility |
OCR | Old Christian Radio |
OCR | Official Court Reporter |
OCR | Online Community Relations (gaming site) |
OCR | Office of the Commissioner of Railroads |
OCR | Over Current Relay (power distribution) |
OCR | O'Connell Racing (car racing) |
OCR | Oil Circuit Recloser |
OCR | Off the Cuff Remark |
OCR | Office of Collateral Responsibility |
OCR | Overclocked Remixes |
OCR | Office of Coal Research |
OCR | Outstanding Claims Reserve (insurance) |
OCR | On-Channel Repeater |
OCR | One-Call Resolution |
OCR | Operating Conditions Register |
OCR | Operations Change Request |
OCR | Organizational Change Request |
OCR | Oxford, Cambridge & RSA Examinations (UK) |
OCR | Operational Capability Requirements |
OCR | Outgoing Call Restriction |
OCR | Obligational Contractual Relations (customer-supplier model) |
OCR | Office of Coordinating Responsibility (US DoD) |
OCR | Organization Change Request |
OCR | Off-Color Remark |
OCR | Open Care Record (medicine) |
OCR | Optical Control Room |
OCR | Orange County Raptors (lacrosse club; Montgomery, NY) |
OCR | Operational Change Report |
OCR | Organizational Capability Review |
OCR | Office Claim Representative |
OCR | Outage Capacity Region |
OCR | Open Cycle Ratio (mechanics) |
OCR | Outer Cell Region |