OCROptical Character Recognition
OCROptical Character Reader
OCROffice for Civil Rights
OCROffice of Civil Rights
OCROrange County Register (newspaper)
OCRObstacle Course Racing
OCROfficial Cash Rate
OCROxygen Consumption Rate
OCROnline Course Review (various universities)
OCROn-Campus Resources (college recruitment)
OCROriginal Cast Recording
OCROssicular Chain Reconstruction (ear surgery)
OCROracle Cluster Registry
OCROutput Control Register
OCRObject Clock Reference
OCROptical Core Router
OCROvercommitment Ratio
OCROlympic Classes Regatta (various locations)
OCROn-Campus Recruitment
OCROwn Credit Risk
OCROffice of Community Relations
OCROttawa Central Railway
OCROffice of Civilian Requirements (US Navy)
OCROld Country Road
OCROffice of Congressional Relations (OPM)
OCROverall Capitalization Rate (real estate)
OCROmnicare Clinical Research (Omnicare, Inc.)
OCROpen Collaborative Research
OCROffice of Coordinating Responsibility
OCROld Christian Radio
OCROfficial Court Reporter
OCROnline Community Relations (gaming site)
OCROffice of the Commissioner of Railroads
OCROver Current Relay (power distribution)
OCRO'Connell Racing (car racing)
OCROil Circuit Recloser
OCROff the Cuff Remark
OCROffice of Collateral Responsibility
OCROverclocked Remixes
OCROffice of Coal Research
OCROutstanding Claims Reserve (insurance)
OCROn-Channel Repeater
OCROne-Call Resolution
OCROperating Conditions Register
OCROperations Change Request
OCROrganizational Change Request
OCROxford, Cambridge & RSA Examinations (UK)
OCROperational Capability Requirements
OCROutgoing Call Restriction
OCRObligational Contractual Relations (customer-supplier model)
OCROffice of Coordinating Responsibility (US DoD)
OCROrganization Change Request
OCROff-Color Remark
OCROpen Care Record (medicine)
OCROptical Control Room
OCROrange County Raptors (lacrosse club; Montgomery, NY)
OCROperational Change Report
OCROrganizational Capability Review
OCROffice Claim Representative
OCROutage Capacity Region
OCROpen Cycle Ratio (mechanics)
OCROuter Cell Region