NORNorman (Amtrak station code; Norman, OK)
NORNotice of Race (sailing)
NORNorth of the River (Bakersfield, CA)
NORNorwegian (language)
NORNot Or (electronic logic gate)
NORNormal Position
NORNormal Operating Range
NORNotice Of Revision
NORNo Original Research (Wikipedia)
NORNot Ordinarily Resident (various nations)
NORnot or
NORNotice of Readiness
NORNew Ohio Review (Ohio University; Athens, OH)
NORNumber on Roll
NORNitric Oxide Reductase
NORNucleolus Organizer Region
NORNucleolar Organizing Region
NORNet Operating Result
NORNorth of Range (Installation and locations north of the Alaskan Range Army)
NORNormal Order Reduction (lambda calculus reduction strategy)
NORNavy Outdoor Recreation (US Navy)
NORNo Operation Replacement (computer programming)
NORNot Otherwise Rated
NORNissan OffRoad
NORNatural Object Recognition
NORNon-Operating Reefer (shipping industry)
NORNATO Operational Requirement
NORNot Operational Ready
NORNaval Oceanographic Requirements