NORANational Occupational Research Agenda (forum via NIOSH for occupational injury research)
NORANational Oilheat Research Alliance
NORANational Online Recruitment Awards (UK)
NORANeuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, International, Inc.
NORANon-Obvious Relationship Awareness
NORANotice of Realty Action
NORANotice of Reassessment (taxes)
NORANon-Organic Radar Access (US Air Force)
NORANational Officer on Reproductive Health & AIDS
NORANational Organic Registry Australia
NORANo Obligations, Rules, or Authority (Final Fantasy XIII video game)
NORANetzwerk Ostwestfalen-Lippe für Regionale Agenda eV (Germany)
NORANothing on Record Against (Law And Order TV show)
NORANational Office Research & Analysis