OCTOntario College of Teachers (Canada)
OCTOffice of Cable Television
OCTOptical Coherence Tomography (medical imaging technique)
OCTOfficer Cadet (Singapore)
OCTOffice of Counter Terrorism (various locations)
OCTOriginal Certificate of Title (Philippines)
OCTOffice Customization Tool (software)
OCTOkinawa Cellular Telephone (Japan)
OCTOptimal Control Theory
OCTObject Class Table
OCTOverseas Countries and Territories
OCTOmnidirectional Control Technology
OCTObject Code Translator
OCTOutput Control Transistor
OCTOptimized Compensation Transactions
OCTOgaki Cable Television (Japan)
OCTOctamer Binding Transcription Factor
OCTOctamer-Binding Transcription Factor
OCTOffset Catch Tray (photocopiers)
OCTOfficial Conspiracy Theory
OCTOregon Cultural Trust
OCTOcular Coherence Tomography
OCTOptimal Cutting Temperature (compound for fixing specimens prior to cryosectioning)
OCTOffice of Clinical Trials
OCTOita Cable Telecom (Japan)
OCTOxford Classical Texts
OCTOne Cool Tuna (fishing accessories brand)
OCTOxytocin Challenge Test
OCTOptimized Compression Topology (audio)
OCTOral Contraceptive Therapy
OCTOrder Cycle Time
OCTOrganismo de Control Técnico (Spanish)
OCTOutlook Configuration Tool (software)
OCTOak Cliff, Texas
OCTOcala Civic Theatre
OCTOcean Color and Temperature
OCTOptical Current Transducer
OCTOntario Certified Teacher (Ontario College of Teachers; Canada)
OCTOfficina Città Torino (Italian)
OCTOffice, Chief of Transportation
OCTOptical Committee of Turkey
OCTOSHA Compliance Team
OCTOptical Channel Trail
OCTOperational Climatic Testing
OCTOperations Concept Team
OCTOttawa City Transportation (Canada)
OCTOils and Fats Chemistry and Technology
OCTObligation-Certification Tree