Acronym | Definition |
OCT | October |
OCT | Ontario College of Teachers (Canada) |
OCT | Office of Cable Television |
OCT | Optical Coherence Tomography (medical imaging technique) |
OCT | Octave |
OCT | Officer Cadet (Singapore) |
OCT | Octal |
OCT | Office of Counter Terrorism (various locations) |
OCT | Original Certificate of Title (Philippines) |
OCT | Office Customization Tool (software) |
OCT | Okinawa Cellular Telephone (Japan) |
OCT | Optimal Control Theory |
OCT | Object Class Table |
OCT | Overseas Countries and Territories |
OCT | Omnidirectional Control Technology |
OCT | Object Code Translator |
OCT | Output Control Transistor |
OCT | Optimized Compensation Transactions |
OCT | Ogaki Cable Television (Japan) |
OCT | Octamer Binding Transcription Factor |
OCT | Octamer-Binding Transcription Factor |
OCT | Offset Catch Tray (photocopiers) |
OCT | Official Conspiracy Theory |
OCT | Oregon Cultural Trust |
OCT | Ocular Coherence Tomography |
OCT | Optimal Cutting Temperature (compound for fixing specimens prior to cryosectioning) |
OCT | Office of Clinical Trials |
OCT | Oita Cable Telecom (Japan) |
OCT | Oxford Classical Texts |
OCT | One Cool Tuna (fishing accessories brand) |
OCT | Oxytocin Challenge Test |
OCT | Optimized Compression Topology (audio) |
OCT | Oral Contraceptive Therapy |
OCT | Order Cycle Time |
OCT | Organismo de Control Técnico (Spanish) |
OCT | Outlook Configuration Tool (software) |
OCT | Oak Cliff, Texas |
OCT | Ocala Civic Theatre |
OCT | Ocean Color and Temperature |
OCT | Optical Current Transducer |
OCT | Ontario Certified Teacher (Ontario College of Teachers; Canada) |
OCT | Officina Città Torino (Italian) |
OCT | Office, Chief of Transportation |
OCT | Optical Committee of Turkey |
OCT | OSHA Compliance Team |
OCT | Optical Channel Trail |
OCT | Operational Climatic Testing |
OCT | Operations Concept Team |
OCT | Ottawa City Transportation (Canada) |
OCT | Oils and Fats Chemistry and Technology |
OCT | Obligation-Certification Tree |